Many of my readers will know not only about my burden for Biblical Discipleship that includes not only teaching what are the essential ingredients to daily prayer, but walking with new Believer until PRAYER BECOMES A LIFESTYLE.
Let me list again what I believe are those essential ingredients.
Confession & Repentance
Petition (for your self)
Reading and meditating in the Word of God.
I have put in capitals INTERCESSION today as I feel I need to emphasise this.
We as Believers are so glad that Jesus’ UNFINISHED MINISTRY is that He ever lives to make intercession for us. As Believers Paul tells us in 1 Tim.2:1 KJV exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, INTERCESSIONS, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 1 Timothy 2:1.
We often may say to a Christian brother or sister “I will pray for you” but we often forget. I suggest we have an Intercession List that we keep updating as required as so many need our prayer for different reasons. For example:
Believers from time to time experience the Lord’s “dealings” (chastening) Heb.12:6 and need prayer support.
Believers suffer bereavement and need the Comfort of the Lord.
Believers and/or family members may experience sickness.
We all have people in our world (or should) who are not saved, and need to be born again.
We read a very sad verse in Ez. 22:30 KJV And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.
Intercession is all about STANDING IN THE GAP FOR SOMEONE, and it is an important ministry that every Believer should seek to develop.
Prayer is all about
Jesus First
Yourself Last
Others in between.
As you make yourself available to the Lord, to be an Intercessor, the Lord will start to place a person/s on your heart, you may not know why, but YOU CAN PRAY FOR THEM.
If ever there was a time in Church History that Believers need to be Intercessors it is NOW, I don’t need to remind you of all that is happening in our world, we don’t need to know all the whys but we can pray.
I trust this simple blog will bless and encourage you to commit your self to a MINISTRY IN INTERCESSION.
Yes, PRAYER CHANGES THINGS, The Father’s ear is ever open to hear your prayer.