I am sure no one would argue the fact that we are living in momentous days, and sadly many of the disasters we are experiencing, the experts would say have been caused by climate change. Other crises have clearly been foretold in the Bible and are clear signs that the return of the Lord Jesus Christ is coming ever closer.
I read on FB a statement recently, that said something like this “When there is a pending disaster most people immediately respond to the emergency directions, but most Christians when they see signs of the Lord’s soon return are doing nothing”.
Has the enemy made God’s people blind to the signs we see almost every day in our world?
Many Christian Leaders are saying we are living in a POST CHRISTIAN GENERATION and the methods of evangelism and outreach of past generations are no longer working or impacting this generation.
There is and always will be one key that can bring about change in our world and in people’s lives and that is PRAYER. I am reminded of a verse in Scripture that I believe confirms this. 2 Chron. 7:14 NKJV
if My people who are called by My name will HUMBLE themselves, and PRAY and SEEK My face, and TURN from their wicked ways, then I will HEAR from heaven, and will FORGIVE their sin and heal THEIR LAND.
There is so much truth in this single verse:
Christians need to humble themselves and recognise and turn from their wicked ways (blindnness)
Strongly seek the Lord
God’s ear is ever open when we He sees His people vigorously seek Him.
Forgiveness comes, and God’s promise to healing our land.
I have written numerous times relating to James’ word “We have not because we ask not” and the Lord’s word “Ask and keep on asking, seek and keep on seeking, knock and keep on knocking”.
Christians it is time to repent and start to ASK, SEEK AND KNOCK VIGOROUSLY regarding this post Christion generation.
We may not personally be able to do very much regarding climate change, but through prayer we could change our world and our nation.
We have a glorious promise in Psalm 2:8 NKJV Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth for Your possession.
As an Australian I remember the day when it seemed the majority of children attended Sunday School, and every week, there was Religious Instruction classes in every school. The governments of that time adhered to Judeo Christian ethics, That generation had at least some God consciousness, but today these things have disappeared, and thus we have a Post Christian Generation.
I now want to write about two men called John.
Firstly JOHN KNOX, a Minister of the Word, writer and Reformer and a man of prayer he founded the Presbyterian church of Scotland. He vigorously prayed much for his nation and would regularly pray GIVE ME SCOTLAND OR I DIE. John Knox claimed Psalm 2:8 and strongly claimed His nation for the Lord.
Then, a man called JOHN HYDE. He was a Canadian Presbyterian missionary who went to the Punjab region in India to preach the Gospel. He also was a man of deep prayer. His constant prayer was GIVE ME SOULS OR I DIE. Some of my readers may have heard of him, he was known as PRAYING HYDE.
May I encourage you (us) to meditate on Psalm 2:8 and ask the Lord to quicken this verse to our spirit. May the Lord open our eyes to the world around us and we ask the Lord to forgive us for our blindness and lack of concern for our world and our nation and learn to vigorously and continually claim this glorious promise.
Let us pray in faith and believe that there can be a mighty move of God’s Holy Spirit and to see millions being translated out of the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdon of God’s dear son amen.
As always, I seek your comments.