Tag: bosko

30 April 2013

8 Essential Ingredients For Daily Prayer (Part 2)

In the last blog I said that this teaching is not a formula, but that you can begin to see a clear progression, starting with  Confession (clearing the decks of any unconfessed sin).   Let me remind you that prayer is an area in our spiritual lives that needs someone to walk with us until it becomes a lifestyle – (‘bosko’ ministry).   I offered to do […]

27 April 2013

8 Essential Ingredients For Daily Prayer (Part 1)

In my last blog I said there were some truths that cannot be just taught in a class, but must be “caught” by someone walking with the new believer until the truth is outworked in his life and becomes a lifestyle.   Prayer is one of those truths. This teaching is not a formula; you will see a progression – YOU MUST START WITH THE NO.1 […]

22 April 2013

The Truth That Changed The Direction Of My Ministry

Last week we looked at the two Greek words Jesus used in John 21:15-17, and despite the fact the Peter could only say to Jesus “I ‘Phileo’ you”, Jesus still gave Peter a Commission in each of the 3 verses, 15-17. In verse 16 Jesus says to Peter, “Tend/take care of my sheep”.  This was poorly translated in the KJV as “feed”. Jesus used the […]

14 April 2013

What is Biblical Discipleship?

In my first major blog last week, I talked about the fact that it is essential that we see that the person who has prayed the Sinner’s prayer has assurance of sins forgiven (1 John 5.13) It is wonderful when a person prays the prayer and instantly knows they are born again. Sadly, i have met 100’s of people who had to pray the prayer 2 […]