17 June 2013

8 Keys To Protecting The Mind (Part 6, Final)

By John Ollis

2 Peter 1.3 tells us that Christ has given us (made available to us) all things that pertain to life and Godliness. We can live above sin (not that we cannot sin but need not sin). Paul says in the midst of EVERY temptation He makes a way of escape for us 1 Cor.10.13.

Remember the mind is always the enemy’s first area of attack, so we must cast down/demolish/destroy every evil thought.

I have shared with you 7 keys to get rid of these thoughts before they effect our emotions and will. But you are then left with a problem, and empty space in your mind, that unless you fill it, the enemy will quickly return and place more sinful thoughts in your mind. Jesus touched on this principle when he said, if you cast out a demon and only keep the place clean many more even stronger demons will return.  So what must we do?

Key no.8.  Phil. 4.8 Paul tells us to meditate (think about) those things, that are:






Good report.

We must fill our minds with these things. Let me give you some suggestions.

1. I am sure you saw the movie “The Passion of Christ”   think about(visualise in your mind) Christ’s sufferings  and pain

2. Some people think about (visualise) Christ seated at the right hand of God interceding for us

3. I often just think about and see  Christ’s feet in my mind, and get down low before Him and worship Him.

4. Take a scripture fill your mind with it, meditate on every word, let the Lord give you illumination.

The important thing is fill your mind with good things, and there is no room for the evil one to place sinful thoughts there.

My prayer for you is that everyone of these 8 keys will become revelation to you (not just information) and they become so part of your life, that automatically you recognise the “wiles” of the enemy and deal with them.

I guarantee you on the authority of the Word of God, that if these keys are built into your life you will move  to a new level of relationship with the Lord, and not only will you be aware of the growth in your life but others will clearly see it as well.