Prayer Requests
It is so good to have sufficient data to publish my blogs, praise the Lord.
Could I ask you to pray for my 3 translators please?
Their ministry on my behalf is so important, and I appreciate their service very much. Potentially I can touch many thousands who speak Bahasa (Indonesians & Malaysians)
Mandarin ( have such a burden for China and the Chinese. Vietnamese (I have had 32 visits for ministry to Vietnam and have such a love for them. I am still believing for a Thai translator too, please pray with me regarding this.
Would you also pray for my health please ? some days I am really struggling, the “staff” infection has done considerable damage to my knee and walling is difficult, but overall the infection makes me feel unwell also.
“All things are working together for good” I know the Lord is in control, but He also encourages us “to ask and keep on asking, seek and keep on seeking, and knock until the door is opened to us”. To God be all the Glory.
Please message me, either with questions or letting g me know you are praying. God bless you all.