Some Musings
It seems when one gets older you begin to reminisce more. I have had such an awesome journey in my life. I came to Christ as a 10 year old boy in October 1951, received my call into ministry by 14 and entered Bible College when I was 20. I had 22 years of blessed Pastoral ministry, until the Lord very clearly lead us into Bible College ministry which went on for a 19 further years. In January 2005 the ministry of the Word at Hillsong church was all about making every minute count for Jesus, I made a decision sitting in the service, that I
1.Would love Jesus more in 2005
2. That I would have a greater love for S.E.Asia.
I confessed these commitments every day before the lord, and every time I preached. It was a dangerous thing to do!!!!!! By the end of April I knew I had to tender my resignation as the Dean of Pastoral Care and teacher at Hillsong College. I concluded my ministry at the end of August 2005 and stepped out in faith to minister across S.E.Asia. I had my beloved wife’s full support and was often away for up to three months at a time. Ministering in:
Malaysia (West & East)
I have not received a salary since I concluded at Hillsong College, but the Lord has met my every need praise His Name.
As well as teaching in 6 different Bible Schools regularly I ministered in many local churches. It was not easy to lay this down in the early part of this year because of my health.
So I have had the privilege of ministering to tens of thousands of people in these last 48 years (including 13000 in one service in Medan West Timor). I believe my primary gifting is that of a Pastor/Mentor/Father so my burden is to see God’s people coming to maturity. We have just concluded two simple but important series of blogs on :
8 essential ingredients to daily prayer
8 keys to protect the mind
I am so thankful that it is now being translated into Indonesian/Mandarin & Vietnamese, the English blog alone is being received by almost 4000 people.
A question I have been asked a thousand times in “How can I know the will of God?” this is what I plan to share in the next series of blogs.
For those who have been praying for me I want to say thanks, I have actually had 3 very good days, please keep praying for me?
In July I am preaching on Sundays 7th ,14th & 28th.
I commence a new series of teaching in our local Bible School on Tuesday 23rd July on
Small Group Leadership, followed by Marriage & Family, and then Praise & Worship.
So the rest of the year is full and exciting, I am believing that in 2014 I will also spend some time teaching again in S.E.Asia, please pray with me on that too.
Thank you for caring.