What makes a scripture verse become a favourite, it has to be more than just the words, however poetical they may be.
In simplest terms what happens is that the written word has become a living personal word to us, it has produced faith in our hearts Rom.10.17, it has become a sword in our hand Eph. 6.17, and it ever remains fresh in our hearts, we often come back to it, meditate on it again, and it becomes even more powerful in our life.
Let us look this morning at Ps.37.4 Delight yourself also in the Lord,and He shall give you the desires (secret petitions) of your heart. I am sure King David (the sweet psalmist of israel) was speaking out of deep experience,he knew the more he praised and worshipped the Lord, he received the desires of his heart.
I wonder if there are people over the years who have said in their heart, “well if I worship and praise the Lord, serve Him constantly in my church, and be a witness, God will give me that B.M.W. I have always wanted.
I do not think that is what David is saying, my experience has been the more I delighted in the Lord, the more HIS desires became my desires. You cannot continue to worship the Lord unless your life starts to line up with will and purpose of God for your life.
We all know we have been born selfish, our parents had to remind us a 1000 times to say please and thank you, we also sure know our own heart Jer. 17.9 and we must work hard on our motives and attitudes all the time.
I want to tie this verse with Jer.29.11 For I know the thoughts that I think towards yousays the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
The is a contemporary Christian song that talks about the fact we are always on HIS mind, God is always thinking about us, He has BIG PLANS FOR OUR OUR LIVES, but He will not violate our will, although I am sure there are times He brings some loving pressure to bear to help us walk in the right direction.
Our primary occupation here on earth should be to not only serve the Lord with all our heart, but to learn to worship Him with all our hears, making HIS KINGDOM PURPOSES our no.1 priority.
I want to encourage you today to deliberately spend MORE TIME delighting (loving, adoring, kissing, bowing down) use your prayer language if you have one, and just get lost in the Lord. His desires, His plans will become clearer and clearer to you, and it will become the passion and drive of your life.
What are the desires of my life ?
To be the best husband that I can be.
To serve the Lord through my local church and see it built “according to the pattern of the Word of God”.
To return to Asia to teach the Word of God especially in certain countries, like Indonesia, Vietnam, and wherever else the Lord would open doors for me.
What are the desires of your heart ????????
Although the Lord has blest and used me greatly these last 21 months despite the pain and lack of mobility, in someways, I have been in a fiery furnace, or like the the Potter’s vessel just on the shelf. I do not regret a single day, but look forward to moving out into a broader even more blessed place, because like King David I want to continue fulfil the purposes of God in my generation Acts 13.36
In a recent blog. many hundreds of people responded to me, the last two blogs there has been little response, and I don’t know why. Please write to me with your comments, and also a favourite verse or two of yours that you may permit me to comment on.
We are living in a generation of Biblical illiteracy, many Christians hardly ever open their Bibles (even though it may be on their smartphones. I heard on the news today that some of the young Australian men who are currently fighting in the middle East wars, when they were here at home spent all their time on their XBoxes playing war games !!!!! Where are we as Christians getting our main focus from.
Lord lead us back to the Word, help us to Love it, study it, meditate in it, and let it change our lives AMEN