21 September 2014


By John Ollis

I wrote some weeks ago about the importance and necessity of Intercession.
As a Bible Teacher, it is easy to teach about Intercession, as an essential ingredient in the life of the believer, and even to talk about “The ministry of Intercession” which some believers willingly embrace, and can spend hours praying through a prayer burden., It is harder to practice than to preach it.
As I have had so many hours available to me here in hospital, Prayer has moved up a new level in my life, especially in the area of Intercession. I have prepared a new Intercession list which i need to add too every few days. Let me say:
GOD ANSWERS PRAYER. We must as Jesus challenged us “Ask and keep on asking”. I am now spending more time having to say “Thank you Jesus” for answered prayer. Archbishop Temple said “When I pray coincidences happen, when I don’t pray they don’t”.
I want to particularly challenge you today about praying for the nations.
Ps. 2.8 NKJV says, Ask of me and I will the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for your possession.
The late Rut Heflin wrote the song,
I ask for the nations, I call them by name,
I present them to the father In Jesus Name,
May they not be found naked, may they not be ashamed,
when they stand before you O God, on that great judgement  day.
You can replace the word nations, and sing and pray for example :
I ask for Indonesia, I call her by name, I present her to the father in Jesus Name,
Remember, “We have not because we ask not” let us start praying for the nations :
1. For a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit
2. For a great revival
3.That blinded eyes will be opened, Buddhist, Hindu. Muslim, and Jewish eyes and every other world religion group.
4.That spiritual powers over nations will be cast down.
Let us lift up Jesus over the nations, and He promises to draw all people to  Himself.
Let us pray and believe together, there will be one more great in gathering of souls before Jesus returns.