21 December 2014


By John Ollis

It is just on a month since I gave a health update. Again so much has happened in these 4 weeks, I sure have much to praise the Lord for.
My faith goal I mentioned in my last update was to move on to arm crutches, then a walking stick. Well, my surgeon  told me following my last appointment and x ray, I would continue to use the cam boot for 2 more weeks only , and then go straight to the walking stick praise the Lord.
The cam boot has now been off for over a week, and walking has been  difficult as I could not exercise much  whilst in hospital and my knee was very painful. Each day  the 2 knee has slowly loosened up and I am walking much better most of the time.
We had planned to drive to Sydney and have Christmas with our children, but we soon realised that more recuperation was needed before we attempted a 2000kms road journey.
I can at least tell you that each day, there are new positive signs of improvement, There is almost no pain in my leg  where the plate was inserted, and  my arm with the 2 screws with exercise also has little pain and is loosening up well. The Asst. Surgeon said I will only get 90% movement back, I want to believe with the Lord’s help it will be 100% amen,  please pray with me that this is so.
So it is a very quiet Christmas for us here in Moe, we hope to do a few short trips away, and then in February we plan to go to Sydney to visit the family.
I already have 2 definite invitations to Indonesia in May 2015, will you pray with me, that the Lord makes His will very clear to me, The Schools need plenty of notice for their planning, but I want to be wise and know when it is the right time to travel again.
My prayer for you is that 2015 will be crowned with the favour of God.
Much love in Jesus name,