28 December 2014


By John Ollis

I posted on Facebook and Whatsapp this question to some of my friends, and was really blessed by the responses I received. I had asked them to write it down and let me know what it is, and I said i would agree in prayer with them to see it come to pass even beyond their wildest dreams.
I now ask you who receive my WordPress blogs to do the same. The Lord told Habakkuk to write the vision down and make it plain (Habb.2.2) I think declaring it in writing  and vocally is a step of faith, and to know others are praying with you to see it come to pass is very encouraging.  I look forward to hearing from you and knowing your dream and vision in 2015.
This is my dream and vision for 2015
To be a better husband
To be an effective fruitful Elder in my local church
To be available to return to S.E. Asia as the Lord clearly leads  and opens the door
To take Margaret on a lovely cruise
To walk from Central station in Sydney to the Salvation Army headquarters to visit my friend
I ask you to pray with me regarding for dream and vision please.
I would encourage you to add one thing to your dream and vision for 2015 (I am) It is the promise in Isaiah 43.19 that God promises to do a NEW THING. Politically, Spiritually, financially, physically 2014 has been a difficult year.
Let us:
Declare it
For ourselves
for our family
For our church
For our nation
For God’s chosen people the jews
For spiritual revival
Meditate on this promise, and be specific in your praying. Remember James says “We have not because we ask not”. let us think, pray, and believe in a big way.
Believing prayer, linked with the promises of God produce blessing beyond our wildest dreams. That place of faith and agreement is THE PLACE OF POWER.
As I write this I am so conscious of the witness of the Holy Spirit in my spirit. There is a common saying “I can’t wait”, and i can’t wait to see what God is going to do in the coming days and weeks and moths. Even though it is holiday time I went to church yesterday expecting the Lord to bless and move in very special and unique ways and He did.
The crowd said of Jesus in mark 7.37 the He dis things wonderfully well. it started in eternity past:
When He chose us (Eph.1.3
When he shared in creation with our Heavenly Father
When he created, the Feasts, and Sacrifices, the Tabernacle
He came into the world as a baby with the purpose of becoming our Redeemer, and supplied the ransom with His own precious blood. He rose again for our Justifciation. At this moment he is seated at the right hand of the Father, ever living to make intercession for us. He has always been doing NEW THINGS, and He promises to do those things in an through us as well.
Isn’t Jesus SIMPLY AWESOME surely we can’t help but bow down and worship Him in spirit and in truth.
The psalmist said “Let the Redeemed of the Lord SAY SO ,  Jesus is doing new things, and He does them WONDERFULLY WELL, in your and my world.
Do you agree with the above ????please respond and let me know your response.
I pray the Lord’s abundant blessing on you TODAY.
When He raised up the Prophets, Priests  and Kings
He came into the world as a baby