Years ago, many of us sang the chorus “It’s a new day, a day of joy and gladness, and victories to be won, It’s a day of walking hand in hand with Jesus Christ my Lord”. This old chorus has been much in my mind of late. Waking up each morning, thanking God for every breath I breathe, and anticipating the goodness of God to make it a new exciting day of blessing.
Here we are in this New month of a New year, my prayer for you is that it will be a YEAR OF:
NEW BEGINNINGS, as you step out in faith in your walk with the Lord and your service for Him.May it also be a new beginning for your church as you together step into the favour of God.New beginnings bring hope, joy, laughter,anticipation, excitement and a new lifting in the spirit and attitude in each of us. As surely summer brings the warmth and sunshine and the blossom of fruit, and eventually the harvest of crops, new hope brings new fruitfulness to our lives.
A verse I have mentioned a number of times recently is Isaiah 43.19 that God wants to do a NEW thing both personally and corporately in His church. Jeremiah (29.11) tells us God has Plans for us, plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us a hope and a future.
These promises are all because of the :
NEW COVENANT,that Jesus procured for us when He died and rose again. We are now
NEW CREATIONS old things have passed away, and all things have become NEW.We now have a :
NEW SONG in our mouths, we have so much to praise and thank the Lord for, we now have the
NEW WINE,the blessed Holy Spirit who has come to live in us, and we must drink deeply every day letting the Holy Spirit continually fill us, so the Joy of the Lord flows out of our lives. Daily we walk along the :
NEW AND LIVING WAY,which is ours as part of of our glorious inheritance we have in the Lord Jesus Christ, we can come boldly, confidently fearlessly into His presence, His grace enables us to fulfil a :
NEW COMMANDMENT to love one another, not only fellow believers, but our enemies as well, because the Agape love of God has been poured out into our lives. that same love gives us the ability to love the Lord.
I sincerely believe 2015 is going to be a year of greater blessing and growth in our lives and in our local churches, the Bride is making herself ready for the soon coming Bridegroom and we will spend eternity with our Lord and Saviour. I trust you can say a big amen in your hearts today.
Would you respond to this blog and let me know if this truth resonates in your heart.