4 April 2015


By John Ollis

You couldn’t help but notice the flow of blogs over these last few weeks. After struggling physically for over two years, it is so good to feel well again. Blood tests this week have confirmed this as well.
I have so come to see how close the physical and spiritual are  in that sense when one is struggling health wise it can effect I think both positively and negatively a person. When I was in hospital despite the pain and struggle, the Lord spoke to me many times, to encourage me and to give me greater understanding of great Biblical truths. Now that I am feeling so much better, prayer and coming into the presence of God has been so much easier and fulfilling.
I have not had such a response from some of my recent blogs in the whole time I have been blogging. This week nearly 200 have gone to my blog site, and hundreds on Facebook have responded  well. This is very gratifying. I plan this year to write an e.book as well.
I have had the privilege over the years to have literally taught thousands of students in numerous countries, many have become spiritual sons, and after nearly thirty years (for some) we are still in contact. The internet was a wonderful invention.
So, I want to say a big thank you for your support, and especially for your prayers, over and over again I have been aware of the fact there were people praying for me, this has so helped me, in some difficult times in these last 2 years.
I now write again to request special prayer for myself and Margaret especially the next 2+ months. I will spell out some of the things that are ahead.
Numerous meetings and preaching and teaching here at home in Moe.
On Friday 1st we fly to Sydney to visit our children (and their children) to celebrate our 50th Wedding Anniversary. We return home on Monday 3rd. On Sunday 10th we have special celebrations in our local church. We will be renewing our wedding vows during the service, and following the service with be a special morning tea.  We so want this all to give God all the glory for his blessing and goodness on our lives over these 50 years.
On Thursday 14th we fly to Singapore (overnight) then fly on to Semarang Indonesia the next morning. I will be preaching on the Sunday.
I then commence some 27 hours of teaching (over 5 days) the topics are, Discipleship/Leadership/Mentoring. There will be some 350 students in the class.
I have not been able to travel overseas since I contracted the infection, and the 27 hours is going to be a physically gruelling time, I will sure need the Lord’s help.
On Saturday 23rd we fly to Jakarta preach the next 2 Sundays, and then during the week teach a course (15 hours) on the topic “Keys to having a long term ministry”. Please keep this week in your prayers too please ?