16 June 2015


By John Ollis

A common greeting here in Australia, perhaps more in the past was “Hi (name) what’s new”. Asking their friend or colleague what was the latest happenings in their world.  I would like to take the opportunity to share some awesome “NEW” things that are mentioned in the scriptures.
God had entered into many Covenants with His people but here He declares through the prophet that He was going to enter into a new Covenant that would supersede all the previous Covenants. To God it wasn’t new, He had planned it in eternity past and all that had been developed over the years, like the Tabernacle, the Temple, The Prophets, Priests & Kings, the Feasts and Sacrifices would all have their fulfilment in the Lord Jesus Christ and His Church. Through the New Covenant the wrath of God was laid on Jesus, we can now have access, forgiveness, acceptance, peace and joy, and a glorious inheritance that includes God’s grace and enabling to live a victorious, pure, holy and powerful Spirit filled life.
NEW HEART  Ez. 18:31
Because of the New Covenant, God changes our heart, We had no interest in the things of God, nor the desire or power to live a holy life, but with the Lord’s enabling we can repent and totally turn around, and have a:
Change of mind
Change of attitude
Change of Direction
Change of affection
We must learnt to live in an attitude of repentance, and daily make the choice and say:
I will go where He wants me to go
I will do what he wants me to do
I will be what he wants me to be
I will say what he wants me to say
Jeremiah tells us that because of the New Covenant, God has given us a new heart, and EVERY MORNING we can experience 3 things
1, His Mercies and Grace without Him we can do nothing, but with Him we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Let us daily throw ourselves on His grace and have the ability to do the will of God.

  1. His Compassion. God loves us with an “everlasting love” that is unchanging and unfailing, even when we fail, we can and must “come boldly to the throne of grace to find grace and help in time of need. Even when we feel no human loves us or rejects us, His love is so constant and continuous towards us.
  2. His Faithfulness. He chose us before He created the world, our names are engraved in His hand, He will never leave us or forsake us. Thank you Jesus.

NEW SONG  Psalm 40:3
We had nothing to sing or be happy about before we were born again, but now we have a song in our heart and mouth, and daily we must count our blessings, and personally declare, how we experience His grace, His compassion and His faithfulness. May there be a continuous song in your mouth to the Lord.
NEW WINE Prov.3:10
Wine is a type or picture of the Holy Spirit, who came into our life when we were born again. Visualise your body like a house, when you were born again the Holy Spirit came in the front door, but he wants to fill the whole house, that is why initial and continuous surrender to Him is an essential key (Rom.12:1) Paul tells us in Eph.5:18 not to be drunk with natural wine, but be continually filled (drunk) with the Holy Spirit.  The Spirit filled life is a neglected truth and teaching in the 21st century church. We need to get thirsty for the wine of the Spirit, (Ask the lord to increase your thirst) learn to surrender to Him daily and let the Holy Spirit continue to fill your house and so drink of the wine of the Spirit, He wants you to be a spiritual alcoholic.
Like a father God wants to continually give us new things, not to spoil us but enable us to fulfil His purposes in our life and in our generation.
I trust this simple reminder will be a blessing to you, and encourage you to take these new things into your life more and more.
I had an appointment with the surgeon yesterday, and he has scheduled me for further surgery on July 1.  To resite my left knee cap.
Please pray:
That this will deal with my knee and walking problem once and for all
That I will be able to regularly return to S.E.Asia   to teach the Word of God
The last hospitalisation was a tremendous strain on Margaret, may she know supernatural strength