11 August 2016


By John Ollis

We know the Word of God tells us that, “it is the will of God none should perish”(and go into eternity without God in their life. When Jesus said in Matthew 16 that He would build His Church, He was saying He would build His Church through us. Almost without exception a person is born again because they heard the Word of God preached (the incorruptible seed) 1 Peter 1:23 or someone witnessed to them and they responded to the claims of Christ on their life.
Do you have unsaved loved ones? Most believers have.


The hardest people to witness too are our own family, they have seen us at our best and at our worst, and may filter anything we say to them through their picture of us in their minds.

I have a very small close family, my only sister moved to the U.K. with her son, when he gained employment there.Interestingly, my wider family are also all in the U.K. So, it is extremely difficult for me to really witness to them.

I love them dearly, and am very aware they will end up in hell for eternity unless they  come to faith. I pray daily asking the Lord to bring someone across their path and share the good news with them. I have heard numerous stories of people who prayed for people especially their  own family  and even passed away, but later the loved ones came to Christ. So I refuse to stop praying and believing that in God’s own way and time they at least will hear the truth, and experience the grace and faith of God (Eph.2:8-9) to come to Christ.

I trust you are convinced that the Great Commission (Matt.28:18-20 is for every believer in every generation and we must obey it. Perhaps you feel you cannot verbally witness to your loved ones, but you sure can live a Godly life before them.

Are you convinced that unless a person is truly born again, they will go to hell, whether they are family or friends, neighbours, work colleagues or simply people who come across your path and enter your world.

Here are some practical guidelines for you:

Write up a prayer list of those in your world who are not saved :





Ask the Lord to:

Burden your heart for them, knowing they are heading for hell

to make you aware of opportunities  where you can shine for Jesus, and be a living witness.

Make you aware of other people he wants to bring across your path, that you can plant seeds in their heart.

If you have friends who have an Intercessory ministry ask them to pray with you for these people.

My last two blogs have been about God’s timing, many times your sowing of seeds may take years before you see a harvest,  don’t get discouraged, Our God is in the business of answering prayer.

Let us believe together for a mighty harvest in these last days before Jesus breaks through the clouds and returns for His blood washed Church. AMEN