1 September 2016


By John Ollis

Today is the first day of Spring here in Australia, and there are signs everywhere to confirm this, there is blossom and wattle on the trees, the birds are preparing their nesting (including in our roof) for the next lot of babies.
I am reminded of Solomon’s words “The rain is over, the Winter has gone, and the time of the singing of the birds has come”. Paul also tells us in Corinthians “first the natural then the spiritual.
Just as seasons are essential for the earth so seasons for the believer are the Lord’s means of testing us, and dealing with us, and as we respond positively, we see the fruit and blessing.
I personally believe the Lord is leading me into a new season, I know what I would like it to be, but what the Lord wants I am still to discern, but I know it will be GOOD.
my prayer for my readers, is that you will discern you are entering a new season, and very quickly, the fruit of the new season will be seen, I pray it will be,
Greater favour
More blessing
More victory
More anointing
More fruit for the kingdom of God.
Let us praise and thank the Lord in anticipation of all He plans to do in our lives AMEN.