I posted on FB yesterday my sincere thanks to God for the life and ministry of Evangelist Billy Graham who celebrated his 98th birthday. No man has preached to more people, nor seen so many make decisions for Christ than Billy. The responses I got from my post were innumerable, from people who came to Christ under his ministry, many Believers received their call into Ministry and many millions of Christians were blessed by his ministry. As a teenager I attended his crusade in the Melbourne Cricket ground where over one hundred thousand were in attendance, (no event since has been able to attract those sort of numbers). I also served in Sydney on the follow up team, when we were pastoring in that city.
Billy is now getting old and frail and is not involved in public ministry any more. my question is:
In Ephesians 4:11 The Apostle Paul list the 5 “Ascension Gifts” of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher. Some would teach that there are no Apostles and Prophets today, although they cannot substantiate their belief from Scripture, I concede, there are many who call themselves Apostles and Prophets (and even have a sign on their office door) who do not exhibit such New Testament ministries.
Most in the ministry use the title of Pastor, even though sad to say again I do not see the Shepherding gift exhibited in them. There is an assumption that if you go to Bible College and receive a Theological degree that makes you a Pastor. It is Christ and Christ alone that makes a person a Ministry Gift, a degree will only enhance the gift within. I have come to know many people (who call themselves Pastors for example) who are excellent communicators of truth, but are not Eph. 4:11 ministry gifts The term Pastor is an office, not simply a title.
So we come back to my question “Where are Billy’s successors? I cannot find them anywhere, if you can tell me of some I would love to hear. Surely if ever there was a time we needed Mass Evangelists it is NOW. Too many things that we of my generation hold dear, seem to be lost, and the response is often “it is a different day”. Again every believer is called to be a witness and a soul winner, (although even this has been watered down and few believers are proactively witnessing today) but the world will not be one by personal witnessing alone.
Another great Evangelist of this generation is Reinhard Bonnke, who has also seen many millions of people coming to Christ especially in the continent of Africa. Some 9 or 10 years ago I heard him preach in a Conference in Sydney on his vision for a “blood washed Africa”. His preaching impacted my life, and resonated with my burden for a “blood washed Asia”. He an international Evangelist I a simple Pastor/Teacher, but we both have a God given burden and passion for a whole continent.Please pray for Reinhard as he has contracted throat cancer and is currently not able to preach. Excitingly he has raised up a successor who is seeing great success in his ministry. His name is Andrew Kolanda.
Since my retirement I have much more time to pray, and especially intercede for the nations. I take very seriously the command and the promise in Psalm 2:8 Ask of me, and I will give you the NATIONS for your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for your possession. N KJV. When I come to the time of Intercession for the nations, I commence by praying that God would raise up ANOINTED ENDTIME EVANGELISTS WITH A SIGNS FOLLOWING MINISTRY, that will impact the nations. I cannot pray for every nation but especially pray for the nations I have personally been involved in. What a privilege God gave me to teach and preach in at least 25 nations of the world.
I sure don’t know everything that is going on in the Body of Christ, so if you can tell me of Evangelists who are having an exciting impact, please let me know ok? Would you pray with me, that God will raise up many Evangelists in our day, to “plunder hell and populate heaven”.
Would my readers also give me some up to date reports of ingatherings of souls around the world through the ministry of Evangelists.I want to be able to also spend time thanking and praising the Lord for answered prayer.
Surely, these are the last days, let us believe for end time revival (of believers) and the fruit of that revival millions coming into the Kingdom of God Amen.