I see a church where every Believer is witnessing to their faith, not in some legalistic way, but in a way that is natural and normal to each individual, communicating in such a way, both verbally, practically and by lifestyle, “Once I was blind, but now I see”. This church practically, deliberately and proactively seeks to Biblically disciple every new convert, sees them baptized in water and the Holy Spirit, and growing in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. That the great commission involves bot the local nation and the nations of the world.
I see discipleship merging into Mentoring to see every believer finding their ministry and place of function in the local body, where teaching and training is organised and planned well, under anointed teachers.
One essential ingredient I see in a New Testament church, is plural leadership who fulfil the Biblical requirements for Eldership (whether you call it that or a Ministry Team is not important .The team must have a Captain, (Set Man/Chief Elder/first amongst equals) to lead them.
They see themselves as God Joined (not simply elected)
Each Elder recognises each other’s ministry
There is a mutual commitment to each other
They work hard at maintain a good spiritual relationship
They spend time together regularly praying
There is mutual submission amongst them all
They walk in humility
They work hard at maintaining unity amongst themselves
They are loyal to each other
They (like in a good marriage) keep the communication lines wide open
They maintain a spirit of forgiveness as each must recognise they can be wrong sometimes
They honour each other privately and publicly
They seek to maintain an attitude and lifestyle of servanthood
Through much prayer they seek to have a progressive vision for the church
They simply lead.
The church I see must have a ministry of prayer, and seek to raise up Intercessors
The church I see recognises the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit, that every believer is filled with the Spirit and is encouraged to live the Spirit filled life. That the gifts of the Spirit are free to operate in the public services.
The church I long to see has extravagant corporate worship, not leaving it to those on the platform, it works hard at maintaining a freshness and vitality in their worship, and is willing to launch out and not limited in any way.
There are surely other essential ingredients and I would like to hear from my readers as to what they think they are.
This is the sort of church I want to be a part off, is it a realistic dream or not?????