The Bible makes it clear that the Believer and the Church has an enemy, but the Bible has much more to say on how we can be TOTALLY PROTECTED from all the attacks of the evil one.
Some churches seem more “devil centred” than “Jesus centred” as their people seem to be always talking about the devil and how they are under attack. In all my blogs you would notice I hardly give him a mention, because through the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus we have all the keys/tools/equipment we need to live and walk in in victory and purity.
There is no doubt there is a lot of ignorance regarding how we can protect ourselves from the enemy’s attack. (That is why Biblical Discipleship is ESSENTIAL) Or many believers have the information but not the REVELATION on how to do it. I will list again the many keys I have found in the Word of God to deal with the evil one’s attacks, at the end of this blog, and let me be honest, it is one thing to know these keys by revelation, but sadly I have not always made use of them, and consequently have lost my peace and joy many times.
This blog today is as a result of receiving a FB Messenger message recently from a Pastor I do not know, how he got my name etc. is also a mystery, this is what he wrote:
“My family are under attack like I have never seen- from all fronts. While I know it is spiritual because of the impact we are having in ministry, that doesn’t change the fact that we are struggling like never before. Will you please pray and ask your prayer warriors at church to pray for my family.”
Firstly, can I ask you pray for this Pastor and his family at this time please. I cannot comprehend what he and his family are going through. But let me remind you of all the keys/tools equipment that is available to us.
I believe the BLOOD OF JESUS is for protection as well as for cleansing, and we need to keep short accounts with God, and stay clean and cleansed by the blood of the Lamb. The enemy CANNOT cross the blood line.
We have an authority to use the NAME OF JESUS against the enemy. James 4:7
We have the THE WORD (RHEMA) OF GOD AS THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT to contend against the evil one. Eph. 6;17
We have the WHOLE ARMOUR OF GOD (Eph 6) which includes the Sword of the Spirit.
Many Believers have a PRAYER LANGUAGE to use as a weapon of warfare. Rom. 8
We have the ability to PRAISE the Lord also as a weapon of warfare
We must learn to live in the LIGHT OF CHRIST’S RETURN 1 John 3:2-3
We must make a COVENANT WITH OUR EYES Job 31:1 see MESSAGE also
I am sure there are other keys in the Word of God that will help us in our walk with the Lord. The ENEMY HAS BEEN DEFEATED. Let us walk in our inheritance today. Amen