AN UPDATE 23/9/17
I am not very computer literate, plus when WordPress does an upgrade on their program, it is very easy for me to get into trouble. When I wrote my latest blog yesterday “How a Christian can be more like Jesus” when I posted it I discovered I had “password controlled” it. I quickly emailed my Blogmaster in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) a young man I consider to be a spiritual son came to my aid. but if for some reason you missed it, and the title sounds interesting go to you will also see at the side of the page you can subscribe (it’s free) and you will get notification in your email inbox.
Two weeks ago yesterday (Friday 8th) my birthday we left to drive to the coast for a holiday. We were terribly tired, and hadn’t realised that having 2 family members in hospital for lengthy stays had taken a toll on us. Margaret’s sister has now been diagnosed with Motor Neuron Disease and is now in permanent care. We visited 2 different churches while we were away, the first a church plant led by a young man who I am starting to relate too.
We literally did very little and totally rested and we have returned home feeling much better.
I am so blest and excited about the new season the Lord has led me into. I have been very thankful for the numerous people who prayed for me and my ministry over the years especially when I was out of the country in often difficult places and situations. I never thought the day would come when I would be doing the same for others. There are now nearly 50 ministries from nearly 20 countries who I am interceding for daily, and the Lord has been wonderfully answering prayer, to God be all the glory. If you are on that list and have3 given me matters to pray about, please let me know when the prayer has been answered, so I can praise the Lord with you. It is also interesting the number of ministry people who are phoning and seeking counsel. I have not gone looking for it, but the Lord is wonderfully opening doors for me. It is not public ministry, but I am thankful I can share out of over 50 years of ministry experience.
I am preaching next Sunday week 1st October, the text I have been given is Nehemiah 8 and I will take the topic of worship. Please pray with me that the Lord gives me an anointing and liberty and authority as I share.
May you have a blest weekend,