17 July 2019


By John Ollis

Today’s blog flows out of yesterday’s blog, “How is your hearing these days”? I said that one of the major ways God speaks to us, and feeds us is through the preaching and teaching of His Word, and the question came to my mind, “why do so many Believers don’t seem to think regular attendance and commitment to a local church is very important? I would go on and say it is ESSENTIAL for many reasons.

  1. It supplies a SECURITY as the local church can protect God’s sheep from the “wolves”

2. The local church is a place for FELLOWSHIP, we sure need each other, and we must NOT become “Lone Rangers” or have an “independent spirit”.

3. The local church is a place of WORSHIP, our worship MUST be both corporate as well as individual.

4. The local church is a place of spiritual NOURISHMENT from the Word.

5. The local church can give us DISCIPLINE & CORRECTION if necessary.

6. The local church is a place of life, HEALING 7 HEALTH to the Believer.

7. The local church is where we can receive LOVE, CARE& CONCERN, from the oversight.

8. Psalm 92:13 NKJV tells us we need to be PLANTED in the local church.

Please don’t go looking for a “perfect church” as there isn’t one, and if you could find one, it would then cease to be perfect when you joined it!!!

So, not only how is your HEARING, but how is your SEEING? I trust you see this important truth, and that you learn to enjoy ALL THE BENEFITS OF BEING PART OF GOD’S FAMILY.

When the question came to mind about church attendance, it made me think about THE BELIEVER’S SPIRITUAL APPETITE, a Believer who is not regular in church is not really HUNGRY and it declaring by his actions he doesn’t seem to care about being fed.

Naturally speaking there can be numerous reasons, why we have little or no appetite, when we get sick physically we can lose our appetite, no doubt our lack of spiritual appetite can indicate some “sickness” too!!!!!

Only on the news in the last 24 hours, it has been announced that researchers have found that ANOREXIA NERVOSA is not primarily a mental problem, but a genetic DNA problem, naturally HUNGER is one of the three major drives in our body, so is there a “spiritual genetic DNA problem that causes us to have little SPIRITUAL APPETITE? One reason at least could be the lack of Biblical Discipleship, the place and importance of the Word of God MUST be clearly taught to the new Believer, and the Discipler should walk with him, until spiritual hunger is an NORMAL and natural hunger.

We so often say our biggest enemy is not the evil one, but ourselves, and I know personally even with a spiritual hunger, I need to discipline my life and STRUCTURE it in such a way, that I am doing what the Lord told Joshua in Joshua 1:8 NKJV This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it DAY and NIGHT, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. The MESSAGE Bible says And don’t for a minute let this Book of The Revelation be out of mind. Ponder and meditate on it day and night, making sure you practice everything written in it. Then you’ll get where you’re going; then you’ll succeed.

I trust as you read this there is NOT a reaction in your mind, and you are thinking “I WILL GET SPIRITUAL INDIGESTION, if I spend that much time in the Word of God”. We can’t get enough of the Word into our hearts and minds, God wants to speak to us EVERY DAY, so let us pray,

“Lord INCREASE my HUNGER for your Word, that I might HEAR your voice speaking to me, and that I may SEE all my glorious inheritance that is written in the will (The Bible)”.