In Psalm 16:11 NKJV King David declares In Your presence is FULLNESS of joy;
At Your right hand are PLEASURES forevermore. As a worshipper David knew experientially the manifest presence of God in His life as he worshipped and praised the Lord. We all know GOD IS EVERYWHERE PRESENT ALL THE TIME, but there are many times when we are not aware conscientiously of His manifest presence, but accept by faith He is ever with us, and will never leave us, as Jesus promised in Matthew 28:20 NKJV And lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.
But when God’s presence is manifest to us, the blessing and pleasure it brings to us can be indescribable, as David declares FULLNESS OF JOY AND PLEASURES FOR EVERMORE. I love Don Moen’s song where he sings:
I love to be in Your presence with your people singing praises, I love to stand and rejoice lift my hands and raise my voice, You set my feet a dancing, You fill my heart with song, You give me reason to rejoice, rejoice.
A Catholic mystic (Brother Lawrence) in the 16th century wrote a book that became a classic “Practice the presence of God”. This is what we need to learn to do, as we “keep short accounts” with God and man spend time in Surrender, Thanksgiving and worship, God comes down and manifests Himself, and we are overwhelmed by His love and His goodness to us. WE can then learn to WALK & LIVE in His manifest presence, it will be life changing as this becomes a lifestyle.
A few months ago I attended a funeral of a dear Christian brother, it was a lovely anointed service, during the service a choir sang a song that has really blessed me. I found it on the internet with Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir singing it, it is called Total Praise, I often listen to it as i work on my laptop these are the words:
Lord,I will lift mine eyes to the hills
Knowing my help is coming from you
Your peace you give me in time of the storm
You are the SOURCE of my life
You are the STRENGTH of my life
I lift my hands in total praise to you
Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen
May I encourage you to search on the web for it, it will surely bless you.
May you have an insatiable desire to LIVE IN HIS MANIFEST PRESENCE, AND WALK IN IT.
Have a fantastic day.