It is just a few days before we celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. We know in reality it sure wasn’t the 25th December that Jesus was born, but we take the opportunity in the Western church to celebrate it on this day. In a very real sense under the New Covenant “EVERY DAY IS THE LORD’S DAY”, as we have so much to be thankful for, and to rejoice about. The older one gets the more we comprehend what the coming of the Saviour was all about, and of course, we have this HOPE of His soon return to receive His Bride.
What really saddens my heart is that Jesus and His birth are almost totally forgotten at this time. It is now “Happy Chrissie,” or Happy holidays” and an opportunity to over indulge both in food al alcohol.
We sure can’t help but get involved to some degree, and this evening for example we are having a special pre-Christmas meal together with the residents in our Retirement Village. We are not travelling to Sydney this year to gather with our family, but will also have a special meal on Christmas Day, after we have attended church.
Surely, this time is an opportunity for REFLECTION, and remind ourselves about God’s redemptive plan, that He designed in eternity past, He knew His creation Adam and Eve would fall, but still created them, and He had to be consistent in His judgement towards mankind. So His plan involved the giving on His only Son who would take upon Himself the Father’s wrath so that we could be restored to fellowship and have access into God’s awesome presence. He chose us in eternity past, and called us by name, and gave us His grace and faith and drew us to Himself so now when God looked at us He does not see what we used to be HE SEES JESUS. Hallelujah.
If I feel sad, about the corruption of this season How much more it must sadden the Father’s Heart.
When God called us to Himself and we were born again, God had a destiny planned for us, not only when we enter eternity, but God has a plan for our life, so not only should we be reflecting on Christ’s birth, but am I fulfilling God’s destiny for my life? I have written recently about looking back over 2019 and seeing all that has happened, and what the Lord has done in us and through us, and to plan to co-operate with the purposes of God in 2020. We know that God has :
Called us out of darkness into the Kingdom of His dear Son.
God has called unto Holiness and victorious living.
God has called unto a ministry in the Body of Christ.
Have you asked the Lord what He wants to do in you and through you in 2020?
Let us go into this new year, with excitement and anticipation to see all that God wants to do, not only in us and through us, but in the world we live. I am still:
Asking for the Nations
I am declaring a river of revival is flowing especially from and through the church in China to the uttermost parts of the earth.
I am claiming a move of God for my town, my city, my state my nation.
I am believing for a fresh move of the Holy Spirit in my local church where I am planted.
I am asking for the health and strength to fulfil God’s destiny for me in 2020.
Let us not be over run by the “silly season” but determine to do God’s will in our lives Amen.