My readers know I love Church History, especially that God in His perfect timing ushered in the Reformation as great men heard from God as they studied and meditated on the Scriptures, and since that day (right up until now) God has continued to restore truth to His Church as His servants searched the Scriptures and sought to lead the Church to “build according to the pattern of the Word of God”.
Sadly, every time this happened three things (at least happened).
- The truth was embraced
- The truth was rejected
- The truth was taken to extremes.
Martin Luther is recorded as often using a common German proverb regarding point 3.
virtually every truth that has been restored to the Church since the Reformation has been taken by some people to extremes and often the outworking of an awesome truth has become total heresy. This has been so apparent in the last Century during the Pentecostal/Charismatic season.
I have mentioned before and need too again today mention the Word of Faith movement which developed through men like Kenneth Hagin. The key principle I have learnt from my Mentors is over the years is to KEEP THE TRUTH IN BALANCE.
Hagin emphasised the fact that there are 2 words in the Greek for the word WORD.
Logos which usually refers to the written word
Rhema which usually refers to that “quickened” word by the Holy Spirit to us, as Paul says in Rom. 8:17 NKJV So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
The more we learn to meditate on the Word of God, the more we have that experience where the Scripture will light up like a neon light, and it becomes a “personal & living” word to us, thus a personal Rhema word.
The 2 Greek words are often used interchangeably in the Greek text, so some scholars are hesitant, so to maintain balance what we feel the Lord has said through the Scriptures to us, must line up with the whole tenor of Scripture.
Linked with the Rhema teaching came the emphasis of CONFESSING the Word of God as the writer to Hebrews declares in Hebrews 10:23 NKJV Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.
Sadly, because these teachings were not kept in balance, some of Hagin’s disciples took the teaching to crazy extremes which developed into what is known as “The Prosperity Gospel”, commonly called the “blab it and grab it” or “confess it & possesses it movement.
So as history repeats itself, many Believers looked at all the extremes and THREW OUT THE BABY (awesome truth) WITH ALL THE DIRTY BATHWATER.
This blog is all about emphasising the importance of this truth and KEEPING IT IN BALANCE.
Just yesterday I stumbled on the fact that a Leading international and very successful ministry had written a 2020 FAITH DECREE. I have typed it out below. I believe it is an excellent and Biblical statement. I am not going to mention his name as opponents of a Biblical Word of Faith would sure love to crucify hi
“I am a child of God, a new creation, made in His image and committed to His Cause.
In 2020, my faith is in Jesus and my hope is in Your Name Lord. You are Jehovah Jireh, my Source, my Deliverer, and my Supply. You are All-Sufficient, you never fail me, and even in my darkest hours, my confidence is in You.
I give you first place in my life Lord; and I choose to live generously and in obedience to Your Word.
I BELIEVE — Your favour and fruitfulness are on my life, on my home, and on my endeavours.
I BELIEVE — the wind of Your Spirit and the fragrance of Heaven are framing my year.
I BELIEVE— You have been significantly generous TO me … You are working significantly IN me … Now Lord use me, and do something significant THROUGH me.
This is my decree!”
The more I read it5 and was blessed as I pondered it, I felt to write my own 2020 Faith Decree. I am sure not suggesting I am in the same league as this great man of God is, but felt that writing it out and publishing (confessing) it would encourage and challenge my faith.
God told Habakkuk to wr4ite his vision down Hab. 2:2 NKJV
Write the vision
And make it plain on tablets,
That he may run who reads it.
For the vision is yet for an appointed time;
But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.
Though it tarries, wait for it;
Because it will surely come,
It will not tarry.
May my Faith Decree be a blessing to you. please pray with me ok?
I am a son of God and born again by the Spirit of God. God chose me and knew my name before He created the world, and has blessed me with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. (Eph. 1:3)
I have God’s CALLING & ANOINTING on my life which will increase in 2020 to touch more people for the glory of God.
I am ever learning to surrender myself to God (Rom.12:1) and being an more effective instrument in God’s hand to bless and extend the Kingdom of God.
I BELIEVE God is the strength of my life (Ps.27:1) and Jehovah Rapha and Jehovah Jireh and will meet ALL my needs according to His riches in glory.(Phil. 4:19)
I BELIEVE God is working in my life and guiding me daily and leading me into all truth.(John 16:13)
I BELIEVE that 2020 will be crowned with the blessing and favour of God, and that through these ministries God has given me, Intercession, Mentoring, and Writings the Lord Jesus Christ will be magnified and glorified.