I wrote recently that because of a health issue that has made handling emotional stress more difficult caused by a deficiency in my body which I have to have replaced by 2 injections regularly, which sure does not fully deal with the problem. I started to make it a matter of prayer, as it really was concerning me. I have written often of late of “the little foxes that spoil the vines” (those things that stop the flow of the Spirit in our lives) which had been robbing me of my peace.
I guess this has been troubling me for at least two years, and I sure needed an answer from the Lord to help me. A few months ago I felt led to write a series of blogs on “Basic Military Training for the Believer” based on Paul’s teaching on the Whole Armour of God. My meditations on the topic not only blest me but sure created a lot of interest amongst my friends from around the world.
I would check regularly with a Greek scholar friend to make sure I was going in the right direction. I came to see we are in a STATE OF WAR, against a very real enemy, and there is no room for “part time Christian soldiers”. The truth that I came to see after being a Christian for almost 69 years is that not only must we go on the defensive against the enemy, but can (and must) also go against the enemy offensibly. In other words PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE.
I want to testify today that the Lord has answered my personal prayer related to effects of stress, and I can sincerely say that the quicker I recognise now the “seeds” of stress I immediately do something about it. I meditate on James 4:7 NKJV SUBMIT yourselves therefore to God. RESIST the devil, and he will flee from you.
I re-affirm Christ’s Lordship over my life
I declare as Michael the archangel did and say to the enemy The Lord rebuke you (Jude 9)
I tell him, the Blood of Jesus is against him
I tell him I have authority In the name of Jesus to resist him
I confess the Word of God against him, e.g. “Greater is he that is within me”
I tell him God says he must FLEE and he does.
These last few weeks have been so life changing and I give Jesus ALL THE GLORY.
The other awesome aspect to this truth is that I can “stand in the gap” for a brother or a sister who is under attack, and the results have been beyond my wildest dreams.
I have written recently that I sure do not want to be ever “devil centred” and this process only takes less than a minute, God says he must flee, and he does.
As we have seen in relation to surrender (Rom.12:1) and the Spirit-filled life (Eph. 5:18) we must do this resisting CONTINUALLY, so a number of times during the day, I take a stand and resist, remember PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE.
It is now such a joy to sit in the Lord’s presence and know there is “nothing between us”, I regret that it has taken me so long to see these awesome truths. With the Lord’s help, I will maintain balance, and keep “walking in the Light, and keep in fellowship with God’s people and experience, the Blood of Jesus Christ God’s son will continue to cleanse my heart from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
I declare Rev. 12:11 NKJV And they OVERCAME him by the BLOOD of the Lamb, and by the WORD OF THEIR TESTIMONY.
May I encourage you to embrace these truths, and may it take you into a deeper victorious walk with the Lord Amen.