In the last 18 months I have mentions quite a few times Eph. 3.20 NKJV giving thanks ALWAYS for ALL things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ as much in relation to the pandemic majoring on God’s sovereignty in that He was not surprised and has permitted it for a purpose (Rom.8:28). I have highlighted always and all as it is not at all easy (at times) to be thankful and give thanks to the Lord when the situation and circumstances are negative.
I want to remind you today, there are so many POSITIVE things to give thanks to the Lord for, and may we never take them for granted but constantly remember ALL the good things the Lord is doing for us EVERY DAY.
I have a number of Bible verse apps. on my phone, and one day recently, almost every verse was on being thankful, this challenged me to be even MORE THANKFUL.
It almost seems some days much of my prayer time is just being thankful, let me list the things I say thank you to the Lord for, if you think there are important items missing please let me know.
I thank the Lord:
For a restful night’s sleep
For a new day to love and serve Him
For His grace and mercy
For His continual goodness
For His everlasting unfailing love
For His peace
For His joy
For every good and perfect thing that comes from above
For every breath I breathe
For answered prayer
For God’s so great Salvation
For Jesus and His sacrifice and that He ever lives to make intercession for the saints
For His Word “working” in me
For His constant supply in meeting all my needs
For helping me to pray
For my inheritance that includes the whole armour of God
That I can offensively and defensively stand against all the wiles of the evil one.
These I say thank you for every day, I believe the lord has helped me over these last few years to realise just how unthankful a person I have been, and He has helped me realise that WITHOUT HIM I CAN DO NOTHING, but with Him I AN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHI STRENGTHENS ME.
Can I encourage you to be even more thankful, the Lord is so good to us.