These last few years for me have been years of unlearning, I am thankful the Holy Spirit leads us into all truth, in many ways I am embarassed and ashamed to have to say that after 71 years Christian, I have to confess I have had to unlearn many things.
I am also very thankful for two particular brothers who has been such a channel of blessing to me, their counsel and wisdom has literally changed my thinking on so many aspects of truth.
I don’t want to say or believe that I was in deception, but I have come to see that all denominations have their practices and emphases that I guess are not always balanced. It is so easy to take a verse or verses out of context and make them say something that may not line up with the whole tenor of Scripture.
As well as every new Believer needs to be Biblically Discipled, every Believer especially one who has s clear call of God on their life needs a MENTOR to assist them to hold truth in BALANCE.
At this time I want to thank the Lord that despite so many deficiencies I now see I have had in my Belief System and in some of my Ministry practices, the Lord still blest me, I can only say He saw my heart and knew I wanted to serve Him.
My readers know the passion of my heart is the fulfillment of the GREAT COMMISSION in Matt. 28:18-20 NKJV All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and MAKE DISCIPLES of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.
Jesus told His disciples they must go and MAKE DISCIPLES, yet very few churches are really obeying this. Experience has taught us than as soon as a person makes a commitment to follow the Lord they need a Disciple-maker to come along side, and do this, as often after a very short time, people settle down and are not really open to this, and of course some do not continue to attend church. This is a real challenge, and we should make this a matter of prayer as there are so many sitting in church pews (for example who have never been discipled.
My other area of concern in this area is that even though Matt. 28:18-20 is directed to God’s people in every generation to obey, so many including Ministers and Leaders, have the attitude to “leave” it up to Holy Spirit to disciple. We are thankful that He does often move in and work in a new believer’s life, but we have been called to MAKE DISCIPLES and I do not want to stand before the Judgement Seat and say I failed to fulfil the great Commission.
Not only am I praying that the Lord will draw me ever closer to Him and be a partaker of His Holiness, I am praying Paul’s exhortation to Timithy 2:15 NKJV Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, RIGHTLY DIVIDING the word of truth.
Will you pray with me please.
Have a blessed, fruitful anointed weekend.