18 May 2023


By John Ollis

We are so aware that our nation (and the world) seems to be going further into sin and depravity and utter wickedness, and it is very easy to start to get very discouraged, and ask that question that Jesus in Luke 18:8 KJV “when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” I must admit I was thinking that way, until we heard about the “revival” at Asbury University in the U.S. which quickly spread to many other campuses of Christian Universities in that nation. Plus there are numerous nations now that are also seeing great moves of the Holy Spirit.

I am reminded of the glorious promise given by the Lord Jesus in Matthew 7:7-8 AMP.N.T. Keep on asking and it will be given you; keep on seeking and you will find;keep on knocking [reverently] and [the door] will be opened to you. For everyone who keeps on asking receives; and he who keeps on seeking finds; and to him who keeps on knocking, [the door] will be opened.

James of course tells us “We have not because we ask not”. The enemy has so deceived the Church that we can’t believe for revival, and so we don’t ask.

I want to encourage my readers, to not only make a decision DAILY to pray for revival, but strongly encourage their Christian friends to pray DAILY too, and let us believe together that SOVEREIGNLY the Lord will move across our (your) nation and millions will be ushered into the Kingdom of God.

Many will know of the late Reinhardt Bonnke who had a vision for a “blood washed” Africa from the Muslim north right down to South Africa, he is now enjoying his eternal rest, but a man called Daniel Kolenda has taken that vision and is raising up hundreds of teams of Evangelists and taking them to many cities across the continent for one week Crusades and the results have been fantastic, please pray for him and the organisation called Christ for all nations.

I am believing and asking for revival, will you join me please?