With my current health situation it has been a real challenge to get enthusiastic to write any blogs. Today I want to write another up to date testimony to the Lord’s blessings and goodness to me.
For quite some time I have been praying daily, ” Lord I want to walk unaided and pain free so I can transition into a new ministry at your leading and direction”.
I received my call to Ministry as a young teenager, and to fulfil that call has been the consuming desire of my life. I have written before that I have had a “dream life” some 20 years of Pastoral ministry, some 19 years of full time Bible College based Ministry, and a further 15+ years of itinerating Bible Teaching in over 25 different countries. About 18 months ago I started praying the prayer above, as because of aging I have had to move into a more semi-retired lifestyle.
Although I have been an ordained Minister of the Gospel for over 50 years, yesterday I was Ordained and Inducted as an Elder in our local church, and the New Ministry I had been praying about.
Included in the Service was prayer for healing, nothing obvious happened, but I have an appointment with an Orthopedic Surgeon in 15 days time, and trust he will have an answer to my knee pain.
The service was awesome yesterday and I give the Lord all the honour and glory.
I was asked a number of questions which I gave a hearty I DO too, and it concludes with :”ALL THESE THINGS I PROFESS AND PROMISE THROUGH GRACE, AS I SHALL BE ANSWERABLE AT THE COMING OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST”.
My new Ministry is simply (at this stage) Discipleship and Mentoring but much more in a local church setting and not with future Ministers of the Gospel.
I would ask for your prayers, for both this exciting new step in ministry but also that “I will walk unaided and pain free” amen.