I continue to be amazed at the interest and response to my testimony. It truly is a testimony to the Grace of God, and I knowing so very well that without Him I can do nothing ,I give all Glory to God for what has been accomplished.
In August 2012 I was asked would I Mentor all the key leaders of a local Pentecostal church. The Pastor felt he could not do it but trusted me enough for me to do it for him. He then decided he wanted to have a Local Bible school in his church in 2013 and would I be the main teacher? Again I agreed and seeing it as doors the Lord was opening locally for me. My intention was to continue my overseas teaching ministry as well. My local church then asked me if I would conduct a day Bible Study, again I agreed with the understanding I could still fulfil my other commitments. I did not discern that the Lord was preparing to me stay at home more in 2013.
I said my overseas ministry came to a screaming halt late last year. let me give you some background. I have had 2 knee replacements over a couple of years, the right knee was a complete success, the left knee was not. So revision surgery on my left knee took place on November 22. In mid December my knee began to swell and on Christmas Eve was readmitted to hospital. I had contracted a nasty staph infection during the revision surgery. I had to have the wound reopened three times and washed out. I was in hospital for 10 days also receiving very strong antibiotics.
Although it was a pain filled drug induced period, I lay in the presence of God and He spoke to me over and over again. The Lord needed to put me on my back and get my attention. he poured so much truth and revelation in my heart, I will never ever be the same again. I have had to make adjustments to my Theology and God’s Sovereignty, but still committed to the truth Jesus is Jehovah Rapha (the Lord the Healer).
I was warded for 10 days then sent home with an IV attachment for antibiotics for 6 weeks with a nurse calling every day. the staph infection was brought under control. I couldn’t understand why I still felt so well. The reality is that although it is under control in my body it still sits on the knee replacement at attacks the bone and my feeling unwell was the effects of my body seeking to fight it. I continue on 3x500mgs antibiotics daily plus medication for the pain.
I have continued the Mentoring but have had to put the Day Bible Study into recess, and conclude my teaching in the local Bible School. I still seek to preach once a month in my local church.
I arranged a visit with my surgeon yesterday, he has agreed to schedule surgery which is in 2 parts removing the current knee replacement and inserting a temporary replacement for 3-4 weeks (soaked in antibiotics to deal with the lingering infection). then a second surgery to do a complete new knee replacement.
There is one further potential complication, I suffer with sleep apnoea and although I have private health insurance the surgery must take place in a public hospital with an ICU. Like most countries there are lengthy waiting lists, but I am assured I can be done as an “extra” in the next few weeks.
You can appreciate there has been much prayer regarding this matter, and my desire is that from May 2014 I can recommence even limited overseas teaching ministry.
So this blog has been very much about my physical needs, but I am convinced “all things work together for good, to them that love God and are called according to His purpose. Rom. 8.28.
Next Sunday 8th September I turn 72, I trust with me you can see through these 8 blogs the Lord’s hand on my life and His leading. It has been to this day an exciting awesome journey. Our times are in His hand, and whether it be short or long, I want it to be for the Glory of God, and the extension of His Kingdom.
Please keep me in your prayers and Margaret too of course.