I guess all believers have some regrets. Like why do it take me so long to learn that lesson? Was I stubborn,? was I kept in ignorance? did I have such a independent spirit that I tried to do it my myself.
You all know I am committed to Biblical Discipleship. Most programs these days are so short and so simple and really don’t communicate very much. is it because a new believer can only absorb a little ??? It seems to me, so often it is like a new born baby is literally thrown into the swimming pool and be expected to swim, sadly we know what generally happens.
I mentioned in the last blog about the Believer’s inheritance. I regret for so many years I really didn’t know what was available to me. I guess in hindsight I knew mentally some parts of my inheritance, but I sure didn’t know practically and spiritually what it was all about, and consequently did not live at the level of victory and purity that I could have.
1. We have all things that pertain to life and godliness 2 Peter 1.3
2. We are partakers of the divine nature of Christ 2 Peter 1.4
3. We have the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit Acts 1.8, 1 John 2.27
4. We have forgiveness of sins and freedom from guilt 1 John 1.9, Rom. 8.1
5. We have the assurance our needs will be met Matt. 6.33, Phil. 4.19
6. The prosperity of our soul 3 John 1-2
7. Love, Joy, peace and righteousness in the Holy Spirit Rom. 14.17
8. Victory and freedom from the bondage of sin Rom.8.11
9. We are more than a conqueror in all things Rom. 8.37
10.We have an abundance of grace for every good work 2 Cor. 9.8
11.An understanding of the mystery of God’s will Eph. 1.9
12. Divine guidance Rom.8.14
13. Happiness Matt. 5 The Beatitudes
13. Security Psalm 91
14. Co-labourers with God 1 Cor.3.9
15. Seated in heavenly places with Christ Eph. 2.6
What a list? (and there is so much more) May I encourage you to spend time mediating on each of these aspects of our inheritance in Christ. let the truth drop from your head to your heart. I guarantee you that you will start to move to a new level of victory and relationship with the Lord.
Please don’t get the impression I fully comprehend these truths, as I said in the introductory blog in this series. Truth is ever growing and developing. I cannot change the past, I so wish I understood these truths more. But with the Lord’s help and by His grace I want to walk in these truths and be the man of God I was called to be in eternity past.
Can I have some feedback please ?