I trust you aren’t groaning when you see another John Ollis blog come into your inbox or Facebook. The reason why I am wring so much is that mentally and physically I am feeling much better (except for my left knee with the staph infection. It is often said that one learns many things when they go to Bible College, what they don’t learn is how to run a church, After a number of years of Pastoring churches I realised I needed a mature Mentor who could help me shepherd the flock of God. One of the very first things my mentor told me was, “that one of my main responsibilities is to raise up Leaders. So with his encouragement I and my team started a “Timothy Class” with 30+ young men and women. We came to the place that when we needed to fill any leadership position there was always someone who could ably fulfil the position. An extension to this principle is (some would say a great ideal) That unless I train a successor I am a failure.
After 22 years of Pastoral Ministry, the Lord wonderfully led us into Bible College ministry. The College was called Commonwealth Bible College which became Southern Cross College, and now is known as Alpha Crucis College, one of the top Seminaries here in Australia. One of the first subjects I was asked to teach was Principles of Leadership, like Discipleship & mentoring this has become a passion in my life. Over the years I have gleaned much material from many sources, if I can remember the source I will add it in the blog.
there are certain basic requirements for those who would be leaders in God’s work. While it is true that all members of the body of Christ have a ministry. it must be conceded that the Lord calls certain people into places of Leadership of varying kinds, for the proper functioning of the Body, and for His own purposes and pleasure. 1 Cor. 12:18, 27-30. We will look at 7 essential requirements for Christian leaders (there are many more). These basic requirements are essential to all whether full time ministry or some form of leadership in the local church.
(a) The Lord does not use a set pattern to call people into leadership. e.g Moses a burning bush, Samuel a voice in the night, Peter one terse sentence form Jesus, Saus of tarsus a blinding light etc. But all knew they were called.
(b) It is folly to try and do something God is not calling you to be. Jer. 23.21
(c) The call of God will be an anchor in times of trouble 1 Sam.30.6 KJV David encouraged himself.
Preparation may fall into three main categories.
1. Lessons from the experiences of life i.e. King David’s early experience as a shepherd helped him as a king and Leader Ps. 23
2. Sincere application in the present Eph. 5.16 2 Tim. 2.15, Prayer, bible study, reading etc.
3. Maintaining a teachable spirit. God’s leaders are always in the Lord’s school of learning and must never believe they know it all. God is always preparing us for a greater ministry, He takes us from the lesser to the greater.
It is essential to have credibility with the people you lead. Paul said to Timothy “Keep that which his committed to your trust 1 Tim.6.20.
Credibility has to do with holiness of heart and life. Godliness with contentment is great gain 1 Tim. 6.6. Illustration Paul’s testimony 2 Cor.1.12.
Such credibility must be established with those outside the faith, in that all men (whether they will admit it or not) that you walk with a clear conscience.