I was meditating this morning on some of the things I have learnt (as much by revelation than in the classroom). I thought I would list them, and see if some of you may comment on this list.
1. There is nothing “magical” about praying the “Sinner’s prayer.
2. That unless the Holy Spirit convicts of sin and draws a person they can’t be saved.
3. That I must identify with the Lord Jesus Christ in His death and ressurection through baptism by immersion.
4. That I should regularly gather around the Lord’s Table and break bread and remember the Lord’s death until He returns.
5. That I must be a part of a body of believers and meet regularly (weekly at least) for corporate worship and receiving the Word of God.
6. That being a Christian is all about developing an intimate relationship with Jesus.
7. That Discipleship is not just attending a class but should include a spritual father or mother walking with you into spiritual maturity.
8. That God is still restoring truth to His church which has been lost for many years, He wants to open up His Word to us.
9. That Jesus is returning SOON.
10.That every believer CAN and SHOULD have a prayer language and use it daily.
11.That the best form of leadership is a Team (Eldership)with a Captain (first amongst equals) and not just one man.
12.That the church MUST return to the Ministry of Intercession.
13. That we must bring God’s people back to the Word of God, and deal with the biblical illiteracy in our churches.
14.That through the finished work of Christ I can live above sin and live a holy sanctified life.
15.That if “ALL things works together for good”, the Lord can permit even sickness to fulfil His purposes in beleivers lives.
6.That we MUST love the Body of Christ as we will spend eternity together.
17.That every believer MUST fulfil the Great Commission in the best way that suits their gifts and talents.
18.That we must be flexible and open to change and not lock ourselves into a church culture or practice.
19.That discipleship is for life, and we ALL need a Mentor.
20.That there are areas of worsip yet to enter into that either because of fear, or that we looked more at the dirty bathwater (other extreme teachings) and so we rejected it.
21.That if you hear a teaching that is new to you, don’t reject it but search the scriptures, the Lord may want to give you a revelation.
22.That although we are in the end times we can still see revival in our day.
23.That God’s grace is available to us instantly, and we can walk in it.
24.That I am secure in my salvation because I am being kept by the power of God.
I have just sat here in my hospital room and let the Holy Spirit drop these gems of truth into my mind which I hold very firmly.The list I am sure is not complete I almost hope you will read something you don’t agree with, and we can have some discussion on the topic, or you want to highlight something I have missed.
Haqve an awesome day