3 September 2014


By John Ollis

I have the awesome privilege of meeting every Friday with 3 other Ministers, we have been doing this for some years. They now drive many extra kms, to come and meet with me in the hospital. I look forward with much anticipation to our weekly meeting. They represent 3 different denominations. Baptist, Presbyterian, and Wesleyan Methodist. They know and love the Lord so much, after they have left, there is still a certain something  lingering. Let me explain it this way :

For over 10 years i have taught at a great Bible School in Kuala Lumpur  Malaysia each year. The School has Guest Lecturer accommodation, but one year, it was not available and I had to be placed in a condominium. I came down one morning ready to be driven to School, but the driver was not there. I went into the bathroom, and while I was there, he came into the Lobby, he could not see me, but smelt my cologne which I always use. He said in his mind Pastor John must be close by, and has been here because I can smell his cologne. Paul says it this way in 2 Cor. 2 :15-16.

For we are to God the FRAGRANCE of Christ amongst those who are being saved and amongst those who are perishing. To the one  we are the aroma of death leading to death, and to the other the AROMA of life leading to life, and who is sufficient for these things.

What a challenge it is to us, to so walk in such a way with the Lord. that the fragrance of His presence  is so upon us, that as Paul says believers and unbelievers are impacted by the aroma. I am saddened that some people who are so anti God find the aroma on a believer’s life to be be like the smell of death.

Paul concludes that we are not sufficient in ourselves, always remember “without Him we can do nothing”. I am so continually blessed by the fragrance of Christ on my fellow Ministers.

May I encourage you today to press into the Lord more, and “linger” in His presence, so that without even opening your mouth, the people you come in contact with will be aware of the FRAGRANCE of Christ that rests on your life.

May you have a blessed fulfilling day.

Please drop me al ine if this has been a blessing to you.