15 September 2014


By John Ollis

In my last update on 29th August, I wrote to let you know that when the infectious Diseases consultant checked my blood tests, he declared me “infection free”. All further tests continue to confirm this praise the Lord.
A short time ago this afternoon my surgeon phoned me to say after consultation with the Infectious Diseases guy, my antibiotics cease tomorrow night (Tuesday). Then after 2 weeks of being antibiotics free on Wednesday 1st October I will have my new knee replacement put in. Then on Wednesday 8th October i should be discharged. A total of 9 weeks hospitalisation.
I want you to know that this has been a School of the Spirit for me, and I do not regret one minute. The Lord has taught me many lessons. Some lessons I have had  to learn more than once, as I was slow to recognise what the Lord was doing and saying.
Rom. 8 .28 reminds us that “ALL things work together for good, to them that love God and are called according to His purpose”.  I am still learning that God is SOVEREIGN, and as I seek to walk in the Light nothing can happen in my life without the Lord’s permission, like in the life of Job. Of course I have asked “why”  many times as I have lost almost 2 years of my life and overseas ministry because of this staph. infection, but I want to declare “Our God does all things well”, and although I may not always understand, and cannot see why “His ways are not my ways” nor His thoughts my thoughts”. Our God is in total control, the enemy is NOT calling the shots in my life.
This sadly has not been an easy lesson in some ways for me to learn, but I thank God for the truth.
I trust my testimony is a blessing to you. Please write and tell me. God bless you.