I simply love Psalm 84 it is very much the expression of my heart, but I also want it to be an ever increasing declaration. We believe ALL the Bible is the Word of God, but often we need to take Old Testament passages and pass them through the Cross, and apply new Covenant Truth to the words, and they simple come alive.
We know “church” is not a building, or a denomination, but simply when God’s people gather together in whatever setting that is the church meeting together.
The sons of Korah declare How lovely it is when God’s people get together for worship and prayer, and fellowship. I am reminded of an old chorus.
I love this family of God, so closely knitted into one, they’ve taken me into their heart, and I ‘m so glad to be a part of this great family.
although there needs to be a basic loyalty to the group or denomination we are placed in, I thank God for the day when the “blinkers” were removed from my eyes and I saw the Church as Jesus sees it. Not a group of people camping around a set of doctrines, or a form of Government or a Past Personality, but a group CENTRED AROUND JESUS.
The Psalmist says he can’t get enough of that type of relationship, his soul longs for it, almost to fainting to participate and function in the church. It was his number one priority, Is it our number one priority?
Blessed, happy and to be envied are those who simply dwell in God’s presence, they cannot help but to be continually praising the Lord. Dwelling in God’s presence produces a unique strength that can come from no other source than God Himself. They know the promise that if they search for God with ALL THEIR HEART, they will find all they need in God. Yes, it is a pilgrimage, it doesn’t happen over night, , it will include going through the “Valley of weeping” where the Lord tests us, and checks out our motives and attitudes. David says we must make the “sacrifice of a broken and contrite heart” and because of those tears WE GO FROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH.
WE ARE IN THE VERY PRESENCE OF GOD (IN Zion) there we find God to be our shield against every attack of the enemy,
The Psalmist had learnt from experience that the only place to be is in the presence of God, just one day there is better than a thousand days not in His presence.
In His presence is a place of revelation, as God shines His light upon His Word, no darkness here, it is the place where we find His grace for EVERY situation, and bask in His glory, and because we walk in grace, and our motives are purified “no good thing does our God withhold from us”, because we are walking uprightly.
I have deliberately not mentioned verses as such, please read the Psalm as you read this blog, may it encourage and challenge you.
Please be encouraged, this blog is not to condemn you, for let me assure you, I have not arrived at that place I want to be, more and more I want what I know in my head to be the passion of my heart. We all have regrets, but thank God they are “under the blood” we cannot change the past, but we can sure change the future. Lord help me (us) to press in and let the Son’s of Korah’s experience be ours AMEN.