In two days time we leave home to fly to Singapore and onto Indonesia (Sunday afternoon) to commence on Monday next 23 hours of class teaching over four and a half days. I had believed my overseas teaching ministry was over but have felt to go one more time (at least).
I am using every form of media I use to seek continued prayer support for this Ministry Trip.
Previously, there has been 300+ students in the class, (I am not aware of this year’s figure) and am very aware of the tremendous privilege and responsibility I have. I so want to anointed, alert and sensitive to the Holy Spirit so the Lord will use me to speak into all these students lives.
In a few days I turn 77, and am becoming very aware of the “aging process” would you also pray that physically and mentally I will fulfil this awesome opportunity well.
We again return home via Singapore for a few days R&R following the class.
Within days of returning home I will be preaching in the local Presbyterian church, and then the Leadership meeting of a local Pentecostal church, the Lord is still opening doors for me, He sure isn’t finished with me yet.
I thank you in anticipation for your prayer support.