I am very burdened in prayer for the many Australians, especially Victorians who’s mental health is being dramatically effected by the Covid-19 pandemic.
I commenced this morning’s blog by spelling out what most consider a good definition of what we call THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD. This surely must be an important truth to be shared with all New Believers as they are being Biblically Discipled, we have been sharing our deep concern for the lack of Biblical Discipleship, as sadly there are many Christians who are having their mental health effected by this dreadful virus.
I want to share a couple of verses with you which I trust will be a` blessing too you. Isaiah 26:3 AMP. N.T. You will GUARD him and KEEP him in PERFECT and CONSTANT peace whose MIND [both its inclination and its character] is STAYED on You, because he COMMITS HIMSELF to You, LEANS on You, and HOPES CONFIDENTLY in You.
NKJV You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
MESSAGE People with their minds set on you,
We know the mind is always the first place of attack, both by our own fears and that of the evil one. Not only must we be convinced God is in control, but we need to be trained to move OFFENSIVELY against the enemy. Only then will God’s PEACE fill our hearts Phil.4:7 NKJV and the peace of God, which SURPASSES all understanding, will GUARD your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
The 2nd verse I want to share with you is Deut. 33:27 NKJV The eternal God is your refuge, and UNDERNEATH are the EVERLASTING arms.
MESSAGE The ancient God is home on a
foundation of everlasting arms.
There is one piece of furniture in our home that we both love, and that is our Recliner chairs, and to be able to literally just lay back on them is just so good, and here we read, that because our God is in control our hearts are filled with the peace of God, and we can just lean and lay back into the EVERASTING ARMS OF GOD.
If you are a young Christian, please seek out a Disciple-maker, or Mentor, (if you don’t have one) and let these truths get deep into your heart. Amen