A few days ago I wrote a blog entitled “LIVING AND WALKING WITH GOD”, highlighting the glorious truth that through the finished (and unfinished (Intercessory ministry) work of Christ, we can actually live above sin, NOT THAT WE CANNOT SIN BUT NEED NOT SIN, as everything has been provided and is available for us, to walk “blameless” before the Lord, without us “falling” into sin Jude 24-25 KJV Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.
I began to think of Enoch as we read in Gen. 5:22 NKJV Enoch walked with God for three hundred years,
Enoch, was the 7th generation from Adam, and had inherited a sinful nature from him, and yet despite the fact that Enoch did not have access to so many things we have under the New Covenant ENOCH WALKED WITH GOD.
Andrew Bonar a Scottish Free church minister has recorded this sweet suggestion that God and Enoch were in the habit of taking a long walk together every day and that one day God said to His companion “Why go home? Come all the way with Me”.
The Bible does not say Enoch ran, jumped, skipped or hopped like a kangaroo, HE SIMPLY WALKED WITH GOD, Gen. 5:22 tells us Enoch’s walk with God continued for 300 years, IT WAS NOT A SPRINT, IT WAS A MARATHON WALK.
What can we learn from Enoch’s life ? He surely learnt to live THE SURRENDERED LIFE, for if one wants to walk with God, the only way to go is God’s way. Amos 3:13 NKJV Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?
N.L.T. Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?
MESSAGE Do two people walk hand in hand if they aren’t going to the same place?
Let us look at some New Testament verses about walking with God.
2 Cor. 5:7 NKJV For we walk by faith, not by sight. The Word of God is the source of faith Rom. 10:17 NKJV So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the (Rhema) word of God.
If we want to walk with God, we must have excellent “spiritual hearing” to hear God speak to us through His Word. Enoch must have intently learn to listen and obey when God spoke to him as they went together on their daily walk. Let us be known as men and women of the Word.
Gal 5:16 NKJV tells us Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
N.L.T. As you yield freely and fully to the dynamic life and power of the Holy Spirit, you will abandon the cravings of your self – life.
We live in a body with a sinful nature, and we are commanded in Rom. 12:1 NKJV to continually hand over ownership of our body to the Lord. I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.
Linked with this command is the continuous charge in Eph. 5:18-21 NKJV but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of God.
PASSION be filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. And your hearts will overflow with a joyful song to the Lord Jehovah. Keep speaking to each other with words of Scripture, singing the Psalms with praises and spontaneous songs given by the Spirit! Always give thanks to Father God for every person he brings into your life in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. And out of your reverence for Christ be supportive of each other in love.
MESSAGE Drink the Spirit of God, huge draughts of him. Sing hymns instead of drinking songs! Sing songs from your heart to Christ. Sing praises over everything, any excuse for a song to God the Father in the name of our Master, Jesus Christ.
As we continue to surrender ourselves to the Lord and and remain filled with the Spirit, like Enoch we will walk with God.
Col. 4:5 NKJV tells us Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside. Walking with God requires much wisdom both with unbelievers and believers as well, as both will think you are becoming a “fanatic”, James reminds in James 1:5 NKJV If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
We all need help often to make wise decisions and here james tells us we can “ask of God: anytime, thank God too for our Mentors who can also speak to us out of their wisdom and experience.