A few months ago the main goal in my life was to reach the BIG 80, I must confess subconsciously that when I reached that goal, I thought I would quickly start to wind down to A RETIREMENT MENTALITY, now I know there is no retirement in the Kingdom of God, but physically, emotionally and mentally there is most definitely a “slow down”,and my body was loudly telling me that.
Then I received that message from a Pastor friend in Scotland reminding me that Moses only began his ministry at 80, then an American Ministry friend based in Sydney, also wrote and challenged me,, then another friend reminded me of Caleb and his ministry from 80 years old. These Biblical characters and the Word of God really started to challenge me, and I felt he Holy Spirit clearly talking to me, so I decided that by the Grace of God I was going to see more FRUITFULNESS AND EFFECTIVENESS in my ministry from my 80th birthday, and I have seen these last few weeks, as weeks of preparation into somethin g bigger and better for the Lord..
I don’t think at any time in my life have I experienced so many answers to prayer, physically, mentally and spiritually there have been numerous challenges of late, and I want to shout from the hilltops that God has been answering so many prayers, which to me is a confirmation to me, that He is not finished with me yet.
An Indonesian Pastor friend also felt to give me Psalm 71:18
NKJV Now also when I am old and gray headed,
O God, do not forsake me,
Until I declare Your STRENGTH to this generation,
Your power to everyone who is to come.
N.L.T. Now that I am old and gray,
do not abandon me, O God.
Let me proclaim your POWER to this new generation,
your mighty miracles to all who come after me.
PASSION God, now that I’m old and gray, don’t walk away.
Give me grace to demonstrate to the next generation
to show them your magnificent power!
MESSAGE I’ll keep at it until I’m old and gray.
God, don’t walk off and leave me
until I get out the NEWS
OF YOUR STRONG ARM to this world,
news of your power to the world yet to come,
I declare today, that by the Grace of God, I am going to proclaim more than ever, God’s power and strength, His might miracles and excitement and the news of His strong arm to as many people as possible by all means possible.
Just last night I received an invitation to conduct a 2 hour ZOOM seminar in Ho Chi Min City on 23rd September, I have not formally accepted the invitation, and would appreciate your prayers about it. I have previously been 32 times (literally) to Vietnam, and many 100’s of times on my knees, this will be a first for VN.
Intercession, Mentoring and blogging all are on the increase, so I am just standing in awe at the goodness of God
Please support me in prayer, that I may be used to impact this generation for the Glory of God amen. I really don’t want to talk about myself in my blogs, but I feel the above is important.