A couple of days ago, our door bell rang, and I went to see who it was calling. A lady stood at the door and said, “Could she speak to Margaret? so I went and told Margaret there was someone at the door to see her. When Margaret got to the door, she said “Hello Jan”, and then turned to me and said “Why didn’t I invite Jan in?”
I did not recognise Jan (or her voice) as we are still under Covid lockdown here, and Jan was wearing a mask that covered her face (except her eyes) I was very embarassed as Jan is a resident here with her husband in our retirement Village.
After I apologised, I began to think about the fact that many people wear masks (not to cover their face as such) but to present a different face to those they come in contact with.
I have come to see over the years the danger of simply BEING RELIGIOUS, we can know all the right words to say, and know how a Christian should behave in a given situation, but the reality is IT IS ALL A MASK, and it is not the trues expression of our heart. Jeremiah tells us the heart of man is deceitfully wicked, and not only can we fool others but we can fool ourselves by the masks we wear.
I ask the Lord regularly to search my heart, and help me not to “wear a mask” but with the Lord’s help seek to be consistently FAIR DINKUM amen,