It has been said that the older one gets, the more one reminisces regarding many things (especially the good things) that have transpired in the past. We happen to celebrate our 57th Wedding Anniversary in just a few weeks time. Wow what a journey it has been, firstly over 20 years of Pastoral Ministry, then around 30 years of Bible College Teaching Ministry, not only based in Colleges in Australia for some 17 years, but then another at least 12+ years teaching in over 25 different nations. I have had a God blessed life, and could tell a thousand stories of all the awesome and wonderful things that has taken place over these years.
Our Wedding Anniversary actually falls on Mother’s Day this year, and we are so thankful to God for our 2 sons, and their wives and our 5 grandchildren. I am a very proud father and grandfather, and again I could reminisce here in this blog, of a life and family truly blessed of God.
Yet, the most important thing that ever happened in my life was when I was 10 years old at the end of a Sunday School class, I went forward to pray in church and asked the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive me of my sins and to come into my life. When I prayed I KNEW God had forgiven me and come into my life. The Bible describes this experience as being BORN AGAIN, This is beautifully described in the Gospel of John 3:1-21.
The Bible tells me I received the Gift of Eternal Life, 1 John 5:13 and that ASSURACE has grown ever stronger over the last 70 years.
Some people hope they are Christians because they were brought up in a Christian household, other think they are Christians because they attend church, but the Bible tells us that to become a Christian we must be BORN AGAIN if we are going to spend eternity in heaven.
The Bible tells us that in eternity past God planned this glorious Salvation, which has come to us through the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Let us read and re-read John 3:16 it is life changing.