5 August 2024


By John Ollis

I do pray my readers are being blest and encouraged as they read this latest series of blogs. I sure wish I had understood “me” better when I was a young Christian and sadly not having the opportunity to be Biblically Discipled. Not that I am suggesting I know it all, I sure have my struggles, and as I am writing these blogs, the Holy Spirit is quickening truth to me, as “information” is one thing but having a “revelation” (when the truth drops from our head to our heart) sure assists a person, plus I still need to use the “Fruit of the Spirit” especially self control, and to continue to resist the enemy so I can walk in victory day by day.

I am also thinking sending a blog late in the week is not the best time, as many of my readers are busy preparing for ministry over the weekend. Please feel free to comment and make suggestions to me on this very important subject.

Let me remind you that the Holy Spirit who came into our spirit when we were born again, wants and needs to become continually PRESIDENT in every area of our lives, spirit, soul and body.

Now, we come to the BODY which contains THESE areas that we need to have under the Holy Spirit’s control.

The GOD GIVEN Drives Hunger, Sex and Survival (self preservation).

No one needs to tell us when it is time to eat, as the HUNGER DRIVE kicks in and we crave food. I personally have struggled with over weight for most of my life, and if there is an area in my life that needs to come under more control is this area, not only do we need to use the fruit of the Spirit (self control) but ask the Lord for help, for some of us more often that He help us control this area in our lives.

We will never forget I am sure when PUBERTY began in our lives, and the SEXUAL DRIVE began to develop in our lives and we felt sexual urges for the first time. Although everyone experiences these urges we are too usually too embarrassed to talk to anyone about it. The enemy also starts to attack our mind, and we can develop weaknesses in this area. This is where we need to “cast” down these thoughts instantly in the Name of Jesus, and learn to PUT ON THE WHOLE ARMOUR OF GOD especially the Helmet of Salvation to protect our mind.

Although technology and social media has been a blessing to us in so many areas, it is also an area that is now filled with soft and even hard pornography, and we don’t know where A.I. will take us. In Sunday school (many years ago) we used to sing a chorus WATCH YOUR EYES WHAT THEY SEE, again we need to cry out to the Lord for His help, use self control, and see that our natural senses especially our sight is continually under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

We also must choose to set us Biblical guidelines and barriers in our contact with the opposite sex so that we can maintain purity in this area.

One of the great “plagues” of this present generation and for some in the older generation is “MENTAL HEALTH and so we need to keep the SURVIVAL DRIVE strong. Not only by rejecting the lies that the enemy would put in our mind and to think about dying or taking our life, but to know and confess all that is in OUR INHERITANCE NOW as a born again Believer, Read again the section on the mind, in my last blog, The mind does not need to be the “Battlefield of the soul” we have available to us everything we need to protect our minds from this evil plague.

Now we come to the 5 senses

Seeing, Hearing, Touching, Tasting, and Smelling.

We have already mentioned seeing (under sexual drive) and learn to be constantly strong in this area.

We also often may have to make the decision of NOT listening to things that could impact our thinking and cause us to sin.

You can think about Touching, Tasting and Smelling.

Every day in my QUIET TIME, after asking the Lord to cleanse my heart from any sin, I think about Rom.12:1-2 and present my body, and these areas that we have covered in this section of the blog.

I also pray,

Lord let me SEE You in the Your Word.

Lord let me HEAR Your voice as I read and meditate in Your Word.

Lord, let me in spirit, TOUCH the hem of Your garment.

Lord help me to TASTE and see that You are good.

Lord let me SMELL the fragrance of Your presence more and more.

I trust this blog and the series has been a help and encouragement to you, I am sure there are many things that could be added to every section, please feel free to respond and comment.