May I share the meditation of my heart this morning with you, It is Saturday morning and I had an awesome time of prayer today. My readers know my definition of Prayer is:
I was born again over 72 years ago, and it was a glorious experience, as I stood up I knew “old things had passed away” and I was forgiven.
Since then here has been over 50 years of blest and fruitful ministry, something I could never had envisaged, for which I give the Lord all the glory and thanks.
Sadly, there were times when I got too busy, which I now regret, and there wasn’t the growth that should have taken place in my life. The Lord in His love and grace had to deal with me at times Heb. 12:5-7. In these last few years of “retirement” the Lord has been so kind and continues to work in my life, the understanding and embracing of many truths from His Word has been life changing. There are so many truths I could share in this blog, but there is awesome truth I want to emphasise today.
We read in Rom. 5:5 when we were born again “God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, (We cannot receive more of the Holy Spirit, but God sure wants MORE OF US). God actually places His Agape love in our hearts so that we can love Him. So our Christian walk should be a continual ever increasing time of falling in love with Jesus more and more, sadly for many of us, this has not always been the case, once again Biblical Discipleship is so important to assist the new Believer in deepening his intimacy with the Lord.
Under the Old Covenant God’s people were commanded to:
Deut. 6:5 Love the LORD your God with all your HEART and with all your SOUL and with all your STRENGTH.
Josh.22:5 But be very careful to KEEP the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the LORD gave you: to love the LORD your God, to WALK in all his ways, to OBEY his commands, to HOLD FAST TO HIM AND TO SERVE HIM WITH ALL OUR HEART AND SOUL.
We all know that our biggest problem is ourselves (not the devil) and that is why we have to learn to continually surrender to the Lord Rom.12:1, and continue to be filled with the Spirit Eph.5:18.
Do you remember the chorus?
I love You Lord, and I lift my voice to worship You, Oh my soul rejoice,
Take joy my king in what you hear, let it be a sweet sweet sound in your ear.
The Greek word for worship is Proskuneo meaning “to kiss” that is why I call prayer THE INTIMATE COMMUNICATION BETWEEN TWO LOVERS.
I want to encourage you to spend more quality time in prayer and worship and more and more FALL MADLY IN LOVE WITH JESUS, may it be our lifestyle as we let the Lord complete His work in us, AMEN