18 April 2013

A New Season

Dear friends,  I have been thinking about seasons in our lives, and considering the various seasons I (we) have experienced in my life, especially ministry wise. Every new season presents awesome opportunities, great challenges, but much fruit for the Glory of God. The biggest challenge is to DISCERN when the Lord wants to move us into a new season, and to OBEY the prompting of […]

14 April 2013

What is Biblical Discipleship?

In my first major blog last week, I talked about the fact that it is essential that we see that the person who has prayed the Sinner’s prayer has assurance of sins forgiven (1 John 5.13) It is wonderful when a person prays the prayer and instantly knows they are born again. Sadly, i have met 100’s of people who had to pray the prayer 2 […]

10 April 2013

Be Wise About The "Sinners Prayer"

Dear Friends, I do hope you will subscribe to my website/blog. My only desire is to be a blessing to you. I had great intentions three years ago  to regularly maintain this site, but with overseas ministry and then some health issues, this did not happen. As my travelling days are now basically over it is my intention to weekly write a blog. At least 10 […]