The prophet Jeremiah reminds us in chapter 17.9, that the heart of man is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it ? The reality is when we are born again we still have our sinful nature and will continue to have it until Jesus returns or we die. I have had to learn that my heart can deceive me, and it has happened a number of times since I have been a Christian. What do I need to do ?
1. Work hard at learning to live the surrendered life, letting Jesus continually be:
(a) The Lord
(b) The Master
(c) The Ruler
(d) The King
(e) The Boss OF MY LIFE.
2. I must never forget I have blind spots
3. I must let people speak into my life
(4) Watch my motives and attitudes Asking questions like :
(a) Who am I doing this for ? Is it for my glory or HIS Glory
(b) Is it extending my kingdom or HIS Kingdom ?
5. Maintaining a spirit of faith remembering what is not of faith is sin
6. Confess the Rhema word, remembering it was confession that brought me into the Kingdom of God, Rom. 10.10 and that I must maintain a good confession Heb.4.14.
7. learn from others who are Mentors and examples of resilient followers of Christ.
8. Must seek to maintain that passionate first love for Jesus (Rev. 2.4) Staying under the tap where the glory comes out. Living in His presence, using my prayer language constantly.
9. Just as the Children of Israel maintained an eye on the cloud over the tabernacle in the Wilderness, so must I
(a) Have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying.
(b) Be established in present truth 2 Peter 1.12 What God is saying by His Spirit today.
(c) Do the Berean thing (Acts 17:11 Keep on searching the Scriptures.
10. Seek to recognise, and work on my character flaws, and let the Holy Spirit continue to make me more like Jesus.
These are some more simple principles that I am seeking to continue to work into my life.
May the Lord use the above to speak to your heart and help you in your journey.