14 August 2014


By John Ollis

Most of you know I am committed to Mentoring, which as far as I am concerned very much includes the development of an an intimate relationship with the Lord. Can I remind you of the 8 Essential Ingredients to Daily Prayer.
1. Confession & Repentance Ps. 66.18
2. Reaffirming the Lordship of Christ over our life
3. Thanksgiving Ps. 100.4
4. Praise Ps. 100.4
5. Worship
Then we put the spotlight on OTHERS. Intercession is no.6
God says in Jer.22.30 “So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found no one.
The picture in the Hebrew is that of a Lawyer speaking in a court of law on behalf of someone. That is what Intercession is, praying on behalf of someone, either because :
1.They asked you to pray for them
2.You became aware of a need in their lives
3. The Holy Spirit placed a burden on your heart for that person.
Sadly, God said He could not find anyone, how sad, but we are often so selfish or PRAYERLESS, intercession is not really part of our life.
In one of my previous stays in hospital, you may remember the Lord spoke very clearly to me about praying for the nations, and this I have done continually since that time, but praying for the nations is only a small part of the ministry of Intercession.
A few days ago, I felt led to write up a new intercession list, in my case, I forget, but if I have a list in front of me I won’t forget, and the Lord was challenging me to spend more time praying for others. To help you I will give you some guidance on who to put on the list.
1. Your Spouse
2. Your children and grandchildren (if you have them)
3. Your extended family especially any backsliden or unsaved
4. Your Local church leaders
5. Your Local church, revival blessing etc.
6. The people who have influenced your life (if they are still alive)
7. Those who have requested prayer (write it down before you forget
8. Those the Lord lays on your heart
9. Missionaries and Missions countries, both closed and open to the Gospel.
The Apostle Paul Paul indicates in his letters, he was a great intercessor, it seems to be a lost art today, and yet, the “effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails MUCH”.
If ever there was a time in history it is NOW that the church and every believer gets back to prayer and intercession.
Has the enemy of our souls so blinded us to the power of prayer, yet there is that true saying “the devil trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon his knees.
Our local church has recently reintroduced a monthly (at this time) corporate prayer meeting, and I sincerely believe I can see the clear results of it already.
Most of the churches in our town is having a “Back to church Sunday” on Sunday 31st August. Already much prayer has been offered, and we are believing for backsliders to be restored, new believers being added to the church.
As I write this i feel the Holy Spirit saying to me we must
PRAY OR PERISH. It is not to late to turn things around, I understand only recently Billy Graham has said almost everytihng that needs to be fulfilled before Christ’s return has been fulfilled.
Let us get a fresh revelation of the power of prayer and believe together for a great awakening. Let’s do it.
Has this blog challenged you ? I trust so, please let me know, and let us covenant together to stand in the gap and PUSH in prayer
No. 7 Is Petition (praying for yourself) please note no. 7 NOT NO.1. I think I will do a blog on this next.
God bless you.