At least in my personal experience, Preachers don’t always enjoy their own preaching but this past Sunday I was so blessed as I preached on the allocated text of Acts 2:1-13. Some of what I had to say is in my recent blog “The Church is born”. The Baptism with the holy Spirit that John and Jesus prophesied about, was (and is) an experience of power for the believer. As we let Jesus be the Lord of our lives, the Holy Spirit (who is resident in us) come and fill our lives, (and become president) then as we learn to live the Spirit-filled life we experience:
Power to live a Holy victorious life
Power to be a witness for the Lord.
We really have no excuse, we can be and do all the Lord requires of us.
Margaret and I have been very busy lately and have got very tired, so we have decided to have a holiday. We have been able to purchase cheap return air tickets to New Zealand, and we will hire a car and enjoy some of the North Island at a leisurely pace. We fly out next Monday morning, and return late Saturday 26th march.
My formal Mentoring ministry has picked up afresh, and I am meeting with a young man who is doing a Cert. 3 course as part of his year 12 studies at High School, and an African Pastor. please pray with me that these situations will be blessed of the Lord.
We also seek your prayers regarding our proposed Missions ministry trip to Sumatra Indonesia in May That physically we can handle it, and that the teaching and preaching will be greatly anointed of the Lord. There is over 300 students in the class, and there is around 27 class hours teaching time (in 5 Days). Then some 10 further days of preaching. I recommended a Kenyan Pastor be considered and was accepted, I look forward to meeting him and we have only chatted on Facebook.
We have the opportunity to move into a larger Villa in our Retirement Village, but first need to seel our present Villa. Would you intercede on our behalf that a buyer will quickly come so we can move ?
I don’t know whether I will do another teaching blog before we go away, as my mind is very tired at the moment.
I thank you for your friendship and prayer support.