This blog may not be considered a very “spiritual” article for consideration, but I share it as it is fresh and stimulating to me.
Do you remember as a child that the start of a school term to the end of term seemed like an eternity before the next school holidays? As Margaret and I chat we will mention something that happened in the past, and I will start to think how long ago was that ? These days it is often, “that was fifty years ago”. There is the old statement “doesn’t time fly”. The older one gets, minutes leap into hours and hours into days and days into weeks, and weeks into months. Is that your experience?
Paul wrote to the Ephesians (5:16) Redeem the time because the days are evil. If the days of the first century were evil, how would we describe the twenty first century??Is it gross unbelievable evil today? I don’t need to list to you the abominations that are occurring in our day. We must do as Paul says, the message translates the verse, “Make the most of every chance you get. These are desperate days. The Amp. N.T. says “buy up each opportunity”. I am sure you will agree, these are DESPERATE DAYS, it is time the Church woke up out of its slumber and deception and recognise the signs. We cannot set a date for Christ’s return, BUT IT SURE IS GETTING CLOSER!!!!!
Can you tell me how we can stir the Church to prayer???? I NEED AN ANSWER for it is only at the foot of the cross that we GET OUR EYES OPENED to see the signs. That is why “the devil trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon his knees”. Many churches gave up conducting a prayer meeting because of lack of support, in other churches it is the least attended meeting of the week (or month!!).
It is only as James says “That the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man AVAILS MUCH.
My sons are both full time in the I.T. industry (as well as faithfully walking with and serving the Lord. They are 48 and 45 years old and when they came into their teens I.T. was beginning to become a developing force in our world. Not that we could comprehend thirty plus years ago just how much the internet would invade our lives.
Because of my age I was slower coming to the I.T. world, and as a Pastor am very aware of the negative aspects of it like “internet pornography”, or a tool to produce radical terrorism,but we don’t “throw the baby out with the (dirty) bathwater”. Because of my past Missions ministry I can contact friends in around 40 countries instantly (if they are on line). I can get answers or give answers in literally minutes where in the past it could takes weeks and even months. The cost has been reduced almost to nothing as I can phone (via Whatsapp for example) basically for nothing, and also see them on my computer screen in real time. This is awesome.
I began thinking about this a few days ago, for example I have over 5000 friends on Facebook, many hundreds on Twitter, plus many who are subscribing to my blog (its free) so whenever I write a blog at least 6000 can read it instantly, and then many “share” the blog. I may once in my life preached to around 13000 in Kupang Timor, but three or four times EVERY WEEK I am communicating to many thousands of people. I cannot travel much anymore, but because of my ministry experience and walk with the Lord, I can share all that the Lord has put in my heart.
I became freshly aware again this week, that we are living in a FATHERLESS GENERATION, and there are young (and older men) around the world who have never had a Mentor. They cannot find anyone in their nation who recognises the need of Fathering (perhaps these people were never “Fathered”). You know that the constant burden of my heart is to see Biblical Discipleship and Mentoring restored to the church, there are numerous excuses and reasons that it is not taking place, and again many “have thrown out the baby with the bathwater” because of extremes. Only this week I have read of a Leader saying people are “cursed” if they reject his “authority” over them, so sad.
Again this week a young man from Asia (whom I have never met) contacted me seeking my counsel. I am also aware that some people “use” the internet to seek to get money supposedly to support their ministry, but again, we don’t reject the principle because someone abuses it.
How long do we have before the Lord returns ? NOBODY KNOWS, Lord help us to redeem the time and make use of every opportunity (INCUDING THE INTERNET) to fulfil God’s plans and purposes on the earth. If I die before Jesus returns, I would want on my grave headstone JOHN FULFILLED THE PURPOSE OF GOD IN HIS GENERATION, and when I stand before the Bema seat hear, WELL DONE GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT.
So let us not waste time but wisely use it to see the Kingdom of God extended.
I trust this blog blesses and challenges you, please write and give me your comments.
Tomorrow, is Sunday, and as you stand in the presence of God declare, BLESS THE LORD O MY SOULS AND ALL THAT IS WITHIN ME BLESS HIS HOLY NAME AMEN.