12 March 2018


By John Ollis

The period of Lent was created because church leaders were concerned that many of God’s people we getting so busy their spiritual priorities had got messed up, and there needed to be a TIME OF REFLECTION leading up to Easter, so God’s people were encouraged to sit down and consider where they were at spiritually.  Giving up something for 40 days  (like chocolate) has degenerated from the whole idea of spending time FASTING AND PRAYING and pressing into God, and dealing with areas in their lives and getting a fresh touch of the Holy Spirit upon their life and lifestyle.
Almost 4 weeks has already gone, have you taken the opportunity to sit down and count the cost and seek to make some necessary adjustments in your relationship with the Lord.
Are you spending quality time with the Lord every day?
Are you spending quality time in the Word of God every day, and letting the Holy Spirit speak to you?
Are you protecting your mind from all the attacks of the evil one?
Is your environment influencing you, or are you influencing your environment?
Are you seeking to live a holy and pure life ? Is your SPEECH & THOUGHTS pleasing the Lord?
Do you have some “fractured” relationships that should be healed?
Do you need to ask forgiveness for something you have said and done?
Is there something you did and have asked the Lord to forgive you, but you HAVEN’T FORGIVEN YOURSELF?
Am I a channel of restoration and blessing to people? or simply too busy selfishly serving my own ends.
May I encourage you to slowly go through this list (and there may be other things the Holy Spirit brings to your remembrance as well), and honestly make THE NECESSARY ADJUSTMENTS to take your walk with God forward at this time.
Personally, I need to pray regularly “Search me O God and know my heart, try me and know my thoughts, and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” Psalm 139:23-24
Do you have someone you are (literally) accountable too?  James reminds us to “confess our faults (trespasses/sins) to one another that you might be healed”. James 5:16. I said something recently in a meeting that was incorrect, and far from accurate, and as well as asking the Lord for forgiveness, I contacted those in the group and asked  for their forgiveness, and only then did I feel a full release in my heart.
We have all done some “stupid” things in our past  lives which we sincerely regret, and perhaps long ago we sought the Lord’s forgiveness, but the evil one reminds us  of those sinful activities,  and we lose our peace,  as we are convinced the Lord has forgiveness us, we need to forgive ourselves, and as James again reminds us, as we submit to God we resist the enemy (In Jesus Name, and confess the Word of God against him,) for example satan “Greater is he that is in me, that you who is the world”.
I am overwhelmed at times as I consider all that Calvary and Christ’s death and resurrection means. Every aspect of our RESTORATION  was fulfilled. I personally have ACCESS into the very throne room of heaven, and can come BOLDLY/CONFIDENTLY/FEARLESSLY with our petitions to the Lord and know that He WILL HEAR AND ANSWER  our prayers  Hallelujah.
The evil one is a deceiver and a DISTRACTORso at this Lenten time, recognise afresh his  tricks and wiles, and use this period to PRESS IN TO THE LORD, and decide TO PRESS ON TO A HIGHER LEVEL OF INTIMACY AND VICTORY AND PURITY. 
May this Easter be unforgettable, because you made time to REFLECT AND FAST and move forward in the Lord. God bless you.