I would sure be telling lies if I wasn’t honest and say how gratified I am at the response to my latest blog “Have you a call to Ministry”? As I wrote I was so blest and challenged and encouraged by Chuck Swindoll’s lengthy statement on his definition of Ministry. It totally expressed my personal position on the subject.
My WP statistics tells me that in just a few hours some 68 people from 10 different nations have read my blog. I say TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY, may it be a blessing to hundreds and thousands of people around the world.
Until fairly recently I could automatically forward my blog as a post on FB, but either FB or WP or both have changed their settings, so this does not happen anymore. I understand there is still a way this can be done (legally), but as I am not very tech savvy, I have not been successful.
As I can no longer travel to the nations, I can still visit them through this ministry of Blogging and Intercession the Lord has given me, I trust someone can help me make the most of every form of social media to do this please?
I would sure appreciate your prayer support for this ministry, as well as my preaching ministry, Sunday 25th November I will be preaching on “Covenant” pray the WORD WORKS amen
May you have a blessed weekend.